Axie Infinity Lore Contest: Lunacia and its Great Mysteries

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Part I: The Greatest Mystery of the Great War

Legend says that Lunacia was once a kingdom ruled by humans. They lived harmoniously and as normal humans who, like any other humans, despised Axies and did anything to hunt them down. This was how the three other kingdoms lived too. Amare, Hedger, and Vanquer.

Axies were creatures that ran free in the forest, just like how lions and bears do. However, they were known as extraordinary animals because of their higher intelligence compared to other animals that lived in the wild. They were able to create their own habitat that was quite similar to how humans build their own community, and they were able to cultivate their own agriculture which was quite similar to how our ancestors did their own.

Because of this, other kingdoms found Axies to be the innovations that they could use. So, they opened their doors to these creatures and lived with them. They helped take care of the farmlands and cultivated their agriculture. Axies even caught fish for the humans. Some were used for transportation because of their ability to fly. They were greatly utilized in a lot of ways and were even used for battles between kingdoms. But two kingdoms were hesitant to let these creatures be part of their lives—Lunacia and Amare.

Lunacians were once the humans like me and my people in Amare. We used to strongly oppose into living with Axies. Our ancestors greatly warned us to never trust these creatures. The story is rooted a long long time ago when Axies were taken over by the Monstress. She was a human who swallowed all the bitterness that was there in all of the face of the earth which made her a creature that lived in the darkness and became the darkness. Because of her obsession on the idea of ruling the whole world for eternity, she corrupted Axies and forcefully made them bow down to her.

The earth beneath the humans’ feet crumbled and dark smokes seemed out of the cracks that appeared on the ground. Terrified, they all ran for their lives. However, it doesn’t seem like these smokes were after them. The darkness engulfed the Axies and the poor creatures tried to wiggle free from this unknown phenomenon.

Suddenly, an unknown entity who resembled a woman suddenly appeared. She had pitch-black eyes and her hands looked like they were wrapped in a glove of darkness. Her dress wasn't no fabric at all either. It was the dark smoke that oozed from within her and it was the same smoke that corrupted the poor Axies.

Thankfully, both Lunacia and Amare were still hesitant on accepting these creatures. But that did not exempt us from experiencing the wrath of the Monstress. The kingdoms were swept and people died as corrupted Axies swept away their livestock and brought wrath unto their homes.

Nobody knew how the Monstress got defeated. All our ancestors knew was that in the midst of all the chaos and darkness, the sun shone brightly that it seemed to purify the darkness that invaded the kingdom. Some also testified that the Axies' eyes turned deep blood-red during their attack but immediately came back to normal when the sun shone on them. Today, the only existing stories on how the Monstress went down were myths.

One thing is for sure tho. After that war, Lunacia greatly changed. All the kingdoms resented Axies but they did the opposite. This was another mystery that no one could explain. Our ancestors suspected that Lunacians knew what happened during the war but instead kept it a secret.

The Queen of Lunacia never even spoke during the royals' meeting that the kingdoms arranged after the war. Everyone pointed fingers at her after they heard about their decision to open their kingdom to Axies but she never spoke a word.

But these mysteries were solved when the Monstress attacked for the second time.

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Part II: The Queen of Lunacia and Her Axies

For the first time after a decade, Lunacia invited our kingdom to witness their Festival of the Bountiful Harvest. They only invited the people in our kingdom, which we didn't find odd. Before the Great War, both our kingdom, Amare, and Lunacia were very close. Our kingdoms used to share a lot of things and we aided each other in times of need. But all of that changed after the Great War.

Both my parents, King Harrison and Queen Emilia of Amare, attended the festival.

At first, it did become quite awkward since things got heated between them. But the Queen of Lunacia welcomed my parents with open arms and warm smiles. These gestures made my mom and dad adjust to her quickly.

This was another mystery that circled Lunacia. Nobody knows who their Queen are and where she came from. One thing they know was that she was the Queen. For decades, she ruled over Lunacia and it seemed that she never aged. Whenever she smiled and faced people, she beamed and shone so bright like the sun. Some kingdoms referred to her as the Queen who had no name.

They explored the festival like they were highschool friends laughing along the journey. The Queen of Lunacia introduced my parents, the King and Queen of Amare, to how they co-exist with Axies in their kingdom.

First of all, there were types of Axies. They were Beasts, Plants, Aquas, Birds, Bugs, Reptiles, Mechs, Dawns, and Dusks. It seems like there are actually a lot of types but they were utilized in different ways. The Plants helped in agriculture. The Aquas helped the fishermen catch fish and helped maintain the cleanliness of the ocean. Beasts and Bugs, however, helped hunters to get some meat and tend livestock such as sheep and cows. Birds are mainly used for transport. From transporting products from one city to another, to transporting people itself. Mechs were the inventors out of the Axies. They helped inventors and mechanics to create next-level technology such as weapons for battle. Now, Dawns and Dusks help with construction. They carry lumber, nails, ropes, steel and other stuff used for their buildings.

Anyway, back to the story. My parents had fun as the Queen toured them around the festival. There were various booths that sold foods, souvenirs, and even toys for kids. Everything was a product of the teamwork between the Axies and humans. My parents' viewpoint about Axies drastically changed that day and they spent all their time filling their desires to know more about these creatures. Throughout the day and night, they took part on the festival together with the people of Lunacia and their Axies.

After having a blast on the evening of the festival, my parents decided to spend the night on Lunacia. They were more than welcomed by the Queen to let them spend the night in the castle.

When the morning came, they woke up early as usual. They had a grandiose breakfast with the Queen and after that, she took them to the fields to let them experience what it felt like to live with Axies.

My parents were never new with the hard work on the fields. They help farmers in our kingdom whenever they have time since they also have fun doing all the labor.

During their experience, they saw how the Axies tilled the ground and helped plant crops, and overall made human lives much easier.

"That was how the tale of the humans and Axies go." I smiled and closed the book in my hand.

"Aww. Princess, can you tell us who the Queen really is? Puh-leaseee." Sean, a child from our kingdom's kindergarten asked.

"Hmm. Does anyone really know who she is?" I skeptically asked.

"But I'm afraid we've ran out of time. I'll see you next time and I promise to tell you more!" I bid goodbye and Guila, my bird Axie who was waiting beside me cooed.

I smiled and called out to her, "Guila, let's go! It's time for adventure!"

She purred in agreement and we set off to another journey that we could conquer together.


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Quite rushed but I hope I was able to present it beautifully.

Follow me on twitter: @stellaricheee

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