An Interview with Buzz Scholars.

Gaming is not just restricted to entertainment but it has evolved to so much more. From communities to financial freedom it has given wings to people around.


Considering axie infinity which has changed many people's lives, I am part of one of the best community build around the game. where everyone has different story as they come from different walks of life. Interviewing them was a beautiful learning experience for me. So, here's presenting interview of Axie Buzz Scholars.


There are set of four questions which touches the subject of axie infinity and it's importance in the life of scholars.


QUESTION 1-What factors bought you into gaming?
ANSWER- I really want to earn money as early as possible. People around me tend to say I should just enjoy my youth by everytime I look at my parents, I cannot think I should be hanging around. They are getting older day by day and I want to give them a good life as soon as possible. So, I was looking for a way to earn money online while studying. I stumbled with freelancing, forex trading and crypto. But, the problem is I got money to start. Until I saw a vid on Tiktok about Axie Infinity. I search stuffs about it and I started looking for a scholarship.

QUESTION 2- What you did to gain scholarship by axie buzz and how you felt after receiving it?
ANSWER- Being part of Axie Buzz is actually a very unexpected event for me because papa Buzz was actually not my prospect that time because I was eyeing 2 other managers. I was just randomly tagging him in my axie infinity memes. And one day, I was shocked he messaged me to join the discord. Since then, I continued posting memes until he said Im on the waiting list. Actually, same day that day I sent an application form in other guilds and 1 week after that I passed. But,, I rejected the offer because I don't want to break papa Buzz's trust. I told him he have my trust for trusting me first. (Shout out to you man!)

QUESTION 3- What additions/changes did this scholarship bought into your life?
ANSWER - The scholarship gave me the chance. The chance to give my family a better life. The chance to save time by earning money now and the chance to meet people virtually. In addition, the game itself made me test my patience, train my critical thinking skills, and my time management.

QUESTION 4- What set of advices will you give to anyone out there looking to grow in their lives?
ANSWER- Just do it. The hardest part of starting something is starting. Because we're afraid of starting, we end up being stagnant. Don't be afraid to make mistakes, to stumble -- just take the first step and everything will follow.


QUESTION 1-What factors bought you into gaming?
ANSWER- I was heavily influenced by my friends and cousins (who are mostly male) it became our avenue to relieve stress after our class.

QUESTION 2- What you did to gain scholarship by axie buzz and how you felt after receiving it?
ANSWER- What I did is I did an infographic for Axie Buzz wherein I discussed what Axie Buzz is and what are the benefits in joining the community. Since there are currently no standard graphics for information in the community, I thought that creating infographics would be great publicility for the community and also help new members to understand better and faster what Axie Buzz's mission entails. But I haven't posted this on hive yet, I will soon after my tiring and endless exams and activities.

QUESTION 3- What additions/changes did this scholarship bought into your life?
ANSWER -It bought me satisfaction that finally after being hit by the pandemic I became useful and productive once again besides being productive in school (which is kinda mandatory, no assessment no grades T.T) This scholarship literally shed light in my life, it bought back the eagerness in me, the flame of becoming successful in the near future.

QUESTION 4- What set of advices will you give to anyone out there looking to grow in their lives?
ANSWER- Keep going, never stop believing and wait for the perfect timing, a door will soon open that will lead to their dreams and that they would be able to achieve their life ambitions and goals.

QUESTION 1-What factors bought you into gaming?
ANSWER- Gaming is actually already part of my childhood. Mario, pokemon, metalslug, monster hunter, final fantasy, etc. These are the games that made my childhood memorable and nostalgic.

QUESTION 2- What you did to gain scholarship by axie buzz and how you felt after receiving it?
ANSWER- What I did is very simple. Just shared my talent to the community. I did posters and graphics for axie buzz, did fan arts of axies, posted on Hive consistently (before getting very very busy with school smh), and collaborated with papa buzz himself on different projects. I felt very excited when papa buzz secured my spot on a scholarship. My heart was beating very fast and it was a very unforgettable feeling.

QUESTION 3- What additions/changes did this scholarship bought into your life?
ANSWER - Aside from the financial changes it did to my life, having a scholarship also improved my character for the better. I became inspired more in pursuing my career. I also saw things in a more persceptive way. It was truly a life changing momentwhen I got a scholarship.

QUESTION 4- What set of advices will you give to anyone out there looking to grow in their lives?
ANSWER- My advice is to grab whatever opportunity comes in your way. I know, this advise is one of the oldest one in the book but trust me, it can turn your life for the better. Also, never ever neglect your efforts, mistakes are natural and they are there for you to learn from them. So pick up your feet and lift your head up high always.



QUESTION 1-What factors bought you into gaming?
ANSWER- For my leisure time. I don’t play like crazy but gamin brought me a somehow another world to let me rest and fortunately, I became a part of the community! Now I met amazing people through gaming!

QUESTION 2- What you did to gain scholarship by axie buzz and how you felt after receiving it?
ANSWER- I joined discord and became an active member since I am still in the vacation that time. I admit when I am still starting in finding scholarship I also do the “good day manager” technique and even DM those managers (respectfully). Then I realized that, that technique won’t work if you’re like the others so I think of something that I could contribute and at the same time will stand out, then I did a publication material about how to apply as a scholar in Axie Buzz then Buzz, himself, noticed me!

QUESTION 3- What additions/changes did this scholarship bought into your life?
ANSWER - First discipline, you need to impose discipline to your routine coz this is not just a game that you’ll play whenever you want coz I am only a scholar. Never waste this opportunity! Second, I met people from the community and they’re amazing! Especially, here in Axie Buzz! A lot of people helped me here! This scholarship also helped me to gain extra income! This actually became my source of income/security. This scholarship is a great help for those people like me who can’t afford to buy an axie team. This gave us opportunity to play and to earn!

QUESTION 4- What set of advices will you give to anyone out there looking to grow in their lives?
ANSWER- Hard work always pays off. Always. Keep striving. Protect your energy. Stay humble. Discipline and respect. Failures are not avoidable but make sure at the end of the day you got something to learn from it. Drink 8 glasses of water and stay hydrated!


QUESTION 1-What factors bought you into gaming?
ANSWER-Actually my brother bought me into gaming since I was 5. but as yrs go by It become my habit to play games, like when I'm stress at my School works gaming relieves all that. Except Axie enemy that has a lot of crits in a row, just kidding.

QUESTION 2- What you did to gain scholarship by axie buzz and how you felt after receiving it?
ANSWER- I stop hoping and watch Markzty and brycent YouTube video on how to get scholarship, when I watch those vids I know my mistakes and I change my self from spamming to creating connection with buzz and so on I got my scholarship, after receiving scholarship I was really having tears of joy because I was finding scholarship for 6 months and after watching videos of tutorial on how to get Scholarship and researching hard work pays off.

QUESTION 3- What additions/changes did this scholarship bought into your life?
ANSWER - When I got my scholarship and my first payout it really saves us more money. and after that I met a lot of people that I call friends even though we didn't met physically I still call them friends.

QUESTION 4- What set of advices will you give to anyone out there looking to grow in their lives?
ANSWER- my advice is be patient as always and be thankful.



QUESTION 1-What factors bought you into gaming?
ANSWER- Mostly, my curiosity. I get curious about the game and wanted to try it.

QUESTION 2- What you did to gain scholarship by axie buzz and how you felt after receiving it?
ANSWER- I do digital arts. Actually, I'm not expecting that I'll be a buzz scholar back then. I was just doing some buzz arts and posting it on hive. I'm already thankful to buzz when I was introduced to hive and get to know it. And then one day, I can remember clearly, he messaged me on the fourth day of me posting on hive and offered me scholarship. I'm really happy that day coz who wouldn't, right? I felt like God just blessed me more than enough that day because the day before that, I also received my university scholarship.

QUESTION 3- What additions/changes did this scholarship bought into your life?
ANSWER - It helps me with my college expenses.

QUESTION 4- What set of advices will you give to anyone out there looking to grow in their lives?
ANSWER- Set their goals. It's really important to have your goal so that you'll know what to do to achieve it. Trust their selves. Explore more, learn more. Don't stop learning.



QUESTION 1-What factors bought you into gaming?
ANSWER- I was really into online gaming when I was in high school that I even drop out of school because I was playing too much with my friends.

QUESTION 2- What you did to gain scholarship by axie buzz and how you felt after receiving it?
ANSWER- I interacted on their discord server, made axie memes for hive and retweeted axie buzz tweets on twitter.

QUESTION 3- What additions/changes did this scholarship bought into your life?
ANSWER - Enjoyment and stress at the same time because I'm really competitive when it comes to gaming and you know what is like when playing axie. The money from SLP was a plus too because I was able to buy and pay some previous debt.

QUESTION 4- What set of advices will you give to anyone out there looking to grow in their lives?
ANSWER- As I am struggling mentally and financially all i can say is just keep doing the things you can for now because it will get better soon. Challenge yourself. Pursuing a goal that is achievable, but not necessarily easy, is a great way to increase motivation to succeed.

These are thoughts of few of our scholars. It is always motivating and interesting to learn about people who are actually trying their best to succeed in their lives. Kuddos to @axiebuzz for bringing people together and tying the bond of community.

I will be sharing the rewards from this post with all my fellow scholars mentioned in the publication, Love to pay back to the community.

I will continue Interview Edition series as I get in touch with more of scholars and achievers.
Till then, Keep grinding.


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