Would have been an interesting match in the Arena ..


All my cards drawn in the first round were beast cards 😂 Thankfully this happened in Adventure so I had an easy win. Would have been an interesting match if this happened in Arena.

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Meet My Axie Team

Now that I have your attention, wanted to make this quick post because someone asked me about my axie team. The post title was false advertising, sorry! 🤣 Thought I'd just smash a blog post together real quick and tell everyone about my team.

I run a standard Plant-Beast-Bird team. The original owner of my tank named it Spicy Shrek, so I named my other 2 axies to amuse myself.

Spicy Shrek

His previous owner named him well, just look at his picture in the adventure battle I posted 😜 Spicy Shrek is a sturdy control tank with Serious for energy steals and Hot Butt to disable the opponent's mouth cards. Hot Butt has 90 damage and 50 shield, which is quite nice in addition to the disable ability. Cactus amps up some damage for the tank and gives a damage bonus if it attacks last. Pumpkin provides high shield for my tank and I get to draw a card if the shield doesn't break.


No prizes for guessing how it got it's name. OwO is my high damage dealing beast, a standard 41 speed beast with two nutcrackers, risky beast and dual blade.

The advantage of this beast over the more commonly seen Rimp beast is that I am not tied down by the card draw and can consistently pound my opponents with the cards that I have. Risky beast has 125 damage effectively dealing 165 damage against plants/reptiles. It also has quite a nice ability allowing me to deal 150% damage in last stand. This has allowed me to swing many games in my favour. Dual blade has 130 damage and deals 250% damage during critical strikes. I must say though that the ability rarely activates, but the base damage is good enough and effectively deals 172 damage on plants/reptiles. The double nuts give 165 effective damage against plants/reptiles if comboed together, the 30 shield that they provide is handy for a beast, helping it survive or enter into last stand in many situations. Yes, I often make one-turn kills even if the opponent puts up high shield.


Nero is named after the Roman emperor, brutal and showing no mercy. A high damage pure bird with an awesome zero cost energy cuckoo. Provides a good 40 shield, and is very handy to clear stuns when battling against backline terminator reptiles with snail shell. It also has peace treaty that debuffs my opponent's damage. The back part is blackmail, which allows me to transfer debuffs back to my opponent. Both these cards have 120 damage and 30 shield. Risky feather has 0 shield but allows me to deal 150 damage on my opponents. The drawback is that my next attack's damage is reduced by 40%. When played in the right order it is a great card to have.

You've probably realized that my team is lacking in many areas. It has 2 glass cannons and does not have any backdoor ability, plus it lacks energy generation. I opted for a bird without a backdoor because I wanted to pack in more damage. I also felt that once you pass 1500 trophies, little owl is not a great ability to have because opponents are smarter at putting up enough shield to survive a 4 card combo. It is also an annoying card to have during 1v1 having 25 damage and no shield. I can live without a backdoor. To overcome the issue of energy deficit, I choose carefully when to play my moves and when to skip. Skipping is probably the most overlooked skill in Axie Infinity. Beginners will do well to learn how to skip at the right time.

Yes, skipping while you play can improve your win rate. Make sure to lift both your legs at least 3 feet above the ground. In fact, you know what? 20% buff if you use a skipping rope! Lol, I'm such a troll..

Anyway, back to what I was saying.. I've learned to play with the limitations of my team and actually quite enjoy the class balance and hard-hitting moves it allows me to make. My opponents know how much energy I have and that I am always coming at them from the front so it challenges me to make the best plays possible with the cards I have.

There are days when I get trashed getting 10 losses or more out of 20 games (like 2 days ago), but I do enough to stay at an acceptable range to grind SLP I think. At the time of writing, my MMR is 1631.

I might eventually switch my team up when battles version 2 hits, but I'll be keeping these guys even if that happens.

If anyone is interested to spar, I'd be happy to when the challenge servers are fixed. Whatever your MMR is, whether much higher than mine [if you don't mind sparring with a noob] or lower [no please don't feel intimidated], we can help each other improve as part of this community. Do reach out =)

Happy grinding fam! Hope to see you in the arena!

@grenfunkel Didn't want to leave you curious for too long, and didn't know when I would find any time to write a proper post 😆 Not what you were expecting I think when you asked for an introduction of my team, but my team is pretty basic and straightforward so I just slapped this blog post together lol

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