Axie Infinity Lore Contest | The Lost Letter of the First Chimera


The Beginning

Every coin, no matter how ancient it is, always has two sides. The heads and the tails. The almighty front and the disruptive back surface. And just like coins, stories of rivalries, instigating wars and endless disputes also have versions. Sometimes, even more than two will appear depending on how diverse the impact it carries to people's perspective.

Hello there little fella. I suppose by now, you already have some dwindling hints and clues on where I'm trying to go here. In the story that I'm about to reveal, you may find some of the details odd and a little conspicuously deceptive. And I can't blame you for that, for your imprinted prejudice against us. But all I ask is that you witness our side, understand it, and just by then, decide, who really is the bad guy.

A long, weary time ago, centuries if I can recall it clearly, there lives a whimsical tribe of creatures called Nahua in the southern-most part of the mystic lands of Lunacia. Nahuas were highly intelligent in nature and can actually build a great empire of civilization but vowed to live in the woods with their simple practices and culture because they believe that advancement only leads to destruction. On the same hand, the son of the tribe's chief is an odd one. He chooses to explore truths behind existence and began experimenting stuff with animal's genetic codes and materials. At first, the chief deplored his son's actions because it's against their vows, but eventually made an exception for him due to the medicinal and healing products of his research that benefits his folks. Little did he know, that by letting his son do those things, he set a ripple on the pond. A chain of events that is both unimaginable and irreversible.


The Arrival

On a cold winter day, an unexpected group of travelers from unknown came across south, looking for shelter and food. As clear as I could remember, the leader of the group introduced them as Great Axians of the North. How silly aren't they? But as soon as the news of their sudden arrival landed on the Nahua's chief's foot, he immediately ordered a warm welcoming feast for them, providing their needs to the extent of the town's resources.

Surprised and confused, creatures of his jurisdiction asked "why the grandiose hospitality for these strangers?" The chief then explained that the travelers aren't ordinary travelers. They are the untold royal family of Lunacia that reigns all lands that their eyes can see from the great high mountains of the North. The chief said that the royal family are in expedition, as suggested by their elders, for a precious concoction that can heal the Royal Princess's disease. Together with them are the royal guards called "The Six" that is needless to say, manipulate powerful weapons that only them can wield and lift: Nae, the double wielder; Gung, the slick spearman; Seti, the warhammer; Naka, the swift archer; Masa, the deathly assassin; And Calad, the berserker.

After knowing it, everyone in the town cheered as they were beguiled by the royalties mystic stance. Mighty and formidable as they appear, no one can also deny that they are kind creatures. Empathetic and have a heart-felt care for anyone. Yes, everyone cheered except for one, who's at that time, was deeply focused on something unknown of existence.

Sitting on his squeaking chair, desk full of paper and books, and a quill that is almost worn out with all the writings, the chief's son was about to create a menacing possibility for his Chimera 1B-x2 experiment. Out of the chief's knowledge, medicinal phase is just a byproduct of the experiment and his son has already started interfering with natural form of beings.


The First Appearance

A couple of nights after their arrival, a disruptive incident happen out of the blue when the chief's son's subject experiment, the first Chimera, got out of hand and went berserk in the town. Shocked and terrified, creatures of Nahua went on chaos having no idea what kind of monster have gone mad in their place. Luckily, the royal guards were quick to respond and able to confront the monster. Just like the others, the six were also shocked on first time witnessing the strange monster. But despite that, they are still able to contain their morale and stance fighting it. Blood and sweat were the expense of the uncanny event, both from the six and the Chimera. Unfortunately, due to lack of information about the monster, the royal guards weren't able to finish it and have let it grasp its escape in their fighting pit towards the dark woods. The only thing left of the Chimera in the town was its cut arm swimming with its blood.

Both the the royal king and Nahua's chief were alarmed by what happened and discussed what caused it. The chief already has his suspicions but he kept it to himself, afraid that if he's correct, he won't be able to save his son. As the king saw the cut arm in a puddle of strange pink blood, he then remembers what the elders in the North told him.

"Caused by destruction,
a fruitful drink to obtain.
A smooth pink concoction
made with warmth and disdain.
Take a sip
and feel the vigor flows,
imbibe it
and your weaknesses will be gone in just a single blow."

And then it hit him, the strange pink blood was what the elders are referring that can cure his daughter's disease. He then called the royal princess and ask her to drink it that she also willingly did. Full of suspense for that minute, Alas! the expedition is done. Her daughter is relieved from the disease. But little did he know that it'll be the last time he'll see royal princess in their own form.


New Form

A few minutes after drinking the blood, she then felt butterflies in her stomach as if she's in love of something that doesn't even exist. She started running towards a tree and hide behind it while in laughter. Confused on what just happened, the King started calling her, asking her to stop messing around. As he was approaching the tree, he heard a little murmur of a tiny voice behind it and he told himself that it's not the voice of her daughter. He hurriedly run towards the tree and was in shock by what he witnessed. His daughter is not there anymore. The only one who's there is a tiny four-legged creature with only six distinctive parts; pair of eyes, ears, mouth, a horn, the back, and a tail- sitting on the royal princess's clothes. He then realized what really happened.

After a moment of silence, the king then stood up while having the tiny creature wrapped in his arms like a new born infant. He then furiously sets his eyes towards the Nahua's chief irrationally blaming him for what happened. In an instance, he just utter the word "korosu", which means kill in Nihongo, to the royal guards and they started to yield their weapons toward the chief. Stupefied as he should be, the chief ran as fast as he can away from the scene but the speed of the six were far more superior than his that before he could even take another step, he was already pierced with an arrow from the bow of Naka. And it did not just pierced his body, but accurately targeted his heart. Witnessing all of it from afar, the chief's son was in agony seeing his father die in his fault.

After then, he didn't realize that he was in rage while he's walking towards his lab to make the most tremendous act in Lunacia's history. He took one of the two products of his experiment and started pouring it all in the river stream near them. He then burned all the copy of his experiment and get rid of all the evidences that can lead to him. Still having the other mixture in his hand that can make him the monster he made before, he promised that he will seek vengeance to the royal family no matter what happen. As he was about to drink it, he noticed movements few feet away so he kept the mixture in his pouch and decided to run in the dark woods.

After then, I never saw him again.


"The Rest is History"

A week has passed and an enormous change happened all over the Lunacia. All the animals that drank water from the river stream became a new creature like what happened to the royal princess. Mammals were classified as beast, reptiles as reptiles, birds as birds, fish as aquas, and insects as Bugs. Carnivorous plants like Venus flytraps also transformed and were classified as plants. Meanwhile, Mecha, Dusk, and Dawns were still a mystery on what their origins are. Regardless of their origins, they were called as Axies derive from the Great Axians of the North. On the other hand, Lunacians who drank the water from the river morphed with what they touch at the last moment of their alteration.

Many things have happened after that drastic change. Some Lunacians were terrified and some were thrilled. The Royal Family became elusive in sight and was also never seen after that incident in Nahua. Variations of cause why it happened spread all over the land until no one knows what the truth is. The rest became history.

But me? I'm sure of my version of what the legend is. Besides, I'm a first witness of everything and every thing.

-The First Chimera

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