Gameplay #8 Axie Infinity / Partida #8 Axie Infinity [ENG-ESP]

Hola de nuevo a todos en la comunidad de AxieBuzz y HiveGaming ¡ya hoy vamos por nuestra partida número ocho! sé que aveces puede ser un poco tedioso, pero realmente me gusta compartir con ustedes sobre cada partida de Axie en la cual juego, ya que es me gusta mucho, el día de hoy nuestro oponente fue un triple pez al igual que la partida numero tres, con la diferencia ya que no tengo triple ave, sino dos aves y una planta.

Hello again to everyone in the AxieBuzz and HiveGaming community, and today we are going for our game number eight! I know it can be a bit tedious at times, but I really like to share with you about every Axie game I play in, as I really like it, today our opponent was a triple fish just like game number three. , with the difference since I do not have a triple bird, but two birds and a plant.

Comenzando la partida, en mi primer turno, decidí no lanzar nada, ya que con las cartas que tenia en mano, no valdría la pena, por lo cual decidí pasar el turno y acumular energías, además estaba seguro que mi oponente no me iba a lograr matar, ya que tres cartas de pez no matarían a una planta, a no ser que salga un critico, y por suerte no fue así.

Starting the game, on my first turn, I decided not to throw anything, since with the cards I had in hand, it would not be worth it, so I decided to pass the turn and accumulate energy, I was also sure that my opponent was not going to be able to kill, since three fish cards would not kill a plant, unless a critic comes out, and luckily it was not.

En nuestra segunda ronda, decidí atacar con 4 energías, y usar el EggBomb, para así evitar que me mataran a mi planta y lograr matar el primer Axie enemigo, en ese momento, sabia que mi oponente solo usaría dos energías (grave error), ya que con esas dos, mataría a mi planta, en el caso que hubiera lanzado las 3 energías, me hubieran matado a mi último Axie.

In our second round, I decided to attack with 4 energies, and use the EggBomb, in order to avoid killing my plant and kill the first enemy Axie, at that moment, I knew that my opponent would only use two energies (serious error), since with those two, I would kill my plant, in the event that I had released the 3 energies, they would have killed my last Axie.

Para el tercer turno, quise atacar con un serious de la planta, para así lograr robarles una energía, y use dos cartas que valían cero energía para darme un poco de escudo, pero realmente, esta jugada no me funcionó muy bien, ya que mi planta murió antes de poder atacar y lastimosamente perdí una energía, y para colmo, me atacaron mi segundo Axie (ya en este momento estaba bastante asustado).

For the third turn, I wanted to attack with a serious of the plant, in order to steal an energy from them, and I used two cards that were worth zero energy to give me a little shield, but really, this play did not work very well for me, since my The plant died before it could attack and unfortunately I lost some energy, and to top it all, they attacked my second Axie (by now I was quite scared).

En la cuarta ronda, tuve el presentimiento de que mi oponente lanzaría solo una carta con su Axie que atacaba de primero, y se protegería un poco más con su otro Axie, lo cual fue un gran error por parte de él, ya que me asegure de matar a su segundo Axie, utilizando las cuatro energías que tenia, y por si no lograba matar a su segundo Axie, de todas maneras había lanzado un EggBomb que haría que mi ultimo Axie recibiera el golpe (ya que este iba a aguantar porque tenia más vida).

In the fourth round, I had a feeling that my opponent would only throw a card with his Axie attacking first, and he would protect himself a little more with his other Axie, which was a big mistake on his part, since I made sure to kill his second Axie, using the four energies he had, and in case he did not manage to kill his second Axie, anyway he had launched an EggBomb that would make my last Axie receive the blow (since this was going to hold because he had more life).

Para el quinto turno, decidí lanzar las dos cartas, ya que con eso, protegería a mi segundo Axie, pues deduje que mi oponente usaría solo una energía (ya que era su patrón de juego) y pensaría que con eso seria suficiente para matar a mi segundo Axie, pero no, como use un poco de escudo, mi segundo Axie logro sobrevivir y yo logré bajarle un poco de vida.

For the fifth turn, I decided to throw the two cards, since with that, I would protect my second Axie, since I deduced that my opponent would use only one energy (since it was his game pattern) and I would think that with that it would be enough to kill My second Axie, but no, as long as I used a little shield, my second Axie managed to survive and I managed to lower him a bit of life.

En la sexta ronda, debía jugar con inteligencia, pues no valdría la pena que atacara mi oponente, ya que si se ponía 3 cartas, iba tener bastante escudo y no lo mataría, o en el caso que sucedió, se pondría el Swift Scape y aumentaría la velocidad, poniéndome en desventaja, y pues no podía permitir esto, así que decidí pasar el turno y dejar morir mi segundo Axie (lo siento Axie).

In the sixth round, I had to play with intelligence, because it would not be worth it for my opponent to attack, since if he put 3 cards, he would have enough shield and he would not kill him, or in the case that happened, he would put on the Swift Scape and It would increase the speed, putting me at a disadvantage, and well I couldn't allow this, so I decided to pass the turn and let my second Axie die (sorry Axie).

Ya para el séptimo turno, ataque con las 4 energías que tenia para asegurar que muriera, pues uno nunca puede ser tan confiado, ya que muchas veces me ha sucedido que por confiado, pierdo, entonces use las cartas que más daño le harían a mi oponente y asegure mi victoria, y pues obviamente gane la partida, sintiéndome realmente realizado, ya que por un momento sentí que iba a perder.

Already for the seventh turn, I attack with the 4 energies that I had to ensure that I died, because one can never be so confident, since many times it has happened to me that because I am confident, I lose, so I used the cards that would do the most damage to me. opponent and ensure my victory, and then obviously I won the game, feeling really fulfilled, since for a moment I felt that I was going to lose.

Espero que les haya gustado mucho esta partida como a mi, mis Axielovers, realmente disfrute jugarla, porque siento que dio un giro de 180 grados, al poder ganar la batalla, ya que realmente pensé que perdería, bueno mis amigos, nos vemos pronto en nuevas partidas, no se les olvide apoyarme ¡hasta pronto!

I hope you liked this game a lot as I, my Axielovers, really enjoyed playing it, because I feel like it made a 180 degree turn, being able to win the battle, since I really thought I would lose, well my friends, see you soon in new games, don't forget to support me see you soon!

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