Gameplay #13 Axie Infinity / Partida #13 Axie Infinity [ENG-ESP]

Hola de nuevo a toda la comunidad de AxieBuzz y HiveGaming, hoy vuelvo con la partida número 13 de Axie Infinity, en esta partida que es un poco corta debido a que solo fueron 6 rondas, me voy a enfrentar contra una planta y dos peces, uno de los peces tenia Upstream Swim, lo cual me representaba una amenaza, pero tranquilos, ya veremos el desenlace de esta partida.

Hello again to the entire AxieBuzz and HiveGaming community, today I return with game number 13 of Axie Infinity, in this game that is a bit short because there were only 6 rounds, I am going to face against a plant and two fish, One of the fish had Upstream Swim, which represented a threat to me, but don't worry, we'll see the outcome of this game.

Comenzamos con la primera ronda, en este momento sentí que el juego estaba sonriendo a mi favor, puesto que me salio una jugada que me gusta aplicar mucho, y es que me apareció la carta de Serious y la de Disguise, al combinarse estas dos cartas, la de Disguise genera uno de energía y la de Serious roba una, y como si fuera poco, mi oponente paso de turno, lo que hizo que le robara una energía y yo la tuviera, ademas de generar una de más, lo que significaba que para el segundo turno ya tenia seis energías.

We started with the first round, at this moment I felt that the game was smiling in my favor, since I got a play that I like to apply a lot, and that is that the Serious card and the Disguise card appeared, when these two cards were combined , Disguise's generates one energy and Serious's steals one, and as if that were not enough, my opponent took a turn, which made him steal an energy and I had it, in addition to generating one too many, which meant that by the second turn he already had six energies.

En el segundo turno decidí solo aplicar la carta de Carrot, pues me daría un poco de escudo y con un poco de suerte, haría que mi planta no muriera, ademas tenia como una leve sospecha de que mi enemigo no me iba a lanzar a robar energías, ya que tal vez pensaría que las gastaría todas, y tal cual como lo pensé, sucedió, ya que mi enemigo me ataco pero no me robo ninguna energía, además mi planta no murió, lo cual fue muy beneficioso para mi.

In the second turn I decided to only apply Carrot's card, because it would give me a little shield and with a little luck, it would make my plant not die, also I had a slight suspicion that my enemy was not going to throw me to steal energies, since maybe I would think that I would spend them all, and as I thought, it happened, since my enemy attacked me but did not steal any energy, also my plant did not die, which was very beneficial for me.

Ya en la tercera ronda, decidí aplicar mi técnica del EggBomb, ya que con eso iba a asegurar que mi planta siguiera viva, ademas a mi planta le había salido Serious y Disguise, y no podía permitirme perder esa oportunidad de generar más energías y robarle energías a mi oponente, por lo cual hice esta técnica que me funciono a la perfección, porque logre matar a la planta enemiga, y aun así, mi enemigo no me mato a mi último pájaro, lo cual literalmente me dio muchísima ventaja, además de que le logre robar la energía que tenia guardada.

Already in the third round, I decided to apply my EggBomb technique, since with that I was going to ensure that my plant was still alive, in addition to my plant it had come out Serious and Disguise, and I could not allow myself to lose that opportunity to generate more energy and steal it. energies my opponent, so I did this technique that worked perfectly, because I managed to kill the enemy plant, and even so, my enemy did not kill my last bird, which literally gave me a lot of advantage, in addition to that he manages to steal the energy he had saved.

Para el cuarto turno, debido a las cartas que me salieron, simplemente decidí colocarme un poco de escudo con el Carrot, ya que prácticamente esa carta me genera una energía si me rompen el escudo, y es generalmente usarla gratis, y así aseguraría que todo el ataque se lo llevara mi planta y no me iba a lograr hacer daño a mis pájaros, lo cual todo me salio a la perfección y solo murió mi planta, y yo tenia mucha energía.

For the fourth turn, due to the cards that came out to me, I simply decided to place a little shield with the Carrot, since practically that card generates energy if my shield is broken, and it is generally to use it for free, and thus I would ensure that everything The attack would take my plant and I was not going to be able to harm my birds, which all went perfectly and only my plant died, and I had a lot of energy.

En la quinta ronda debía asegurarme de matar a mi oponente, y como las cartas que habían salido no me completaban muy bien con solamente 4 energías mi combo, decidí usar 5 energías y asegurarme que mi oponente muriera, y así paso, pero mi oponente me logro bajar bastante vida a mi segundo Axie, la parte buena, es que como mi segundo Axie tenia bastante escudo, no logro matarme, ya que si lo hubiera hecho, la historia pudiera haber sido otra, pero menos mal y no lo logro, porque ya con eso había asegurado mi victoria.

In the fifth round I had to make sure to kill my opponent, and since the cards that had come out did not complete my combo very well with only 4 energies, I decided to use 5 energies and make sure that my opponent died, and so it happened, but my opponent me I managed to lower my second Axie enough life, the good part is that since my second Axie had enough shield, I could not kill myself, because if I had, the story could have been another, but thank goodness and I do not succeed, because with that I had already assured my victory.

En la sexta ronda, simplemente quedaba atacar, yo tenia 6 cartas y 8 energías, osea, me sobraban energías, pero menos mal y las cartas que tenían me ayudaban, porque si hubieran salido algunas cartas que no hicieran tanto daño, pudiera ser que mi oponente lograra hacer otra jugada, de todas maneras, para asegurarme y no correr ningún riesgo, lance las 6 cartas y ya cuando mi ultimo Axie termino de atacar, dejó en Last Stand a mi oponente, y simplemente mi segundo Axie debía terminar el trabajo con una sola carta, y así fue, lo logre matar y con eso me lleve la victoria a casa.

In the sixth round, I just had to attack, I had 6 cards and 8 energy, I mean, I had energy left over, but thank goodness and the cards they had helped me, because if there had been some cards that did not do so much damage, it could be that my opponent managed to make another play, anyway, to make sure and not take any risk, I threw the 6 cards and when my last Axie finished attacking, he left my opponent in Last Stand, and simply my second Axie had to finish the job with a single letter, and so it was, I managed to kill him and with that I took the victory home.

Y esto fue todo por hoy mis Axielovers, fue una partida en la que literalmente sobro mucha energía y gracias a eso, logre ganar la batalla, como dato curioso, todos estos días que he jugado, me he dado cuenta que muchas personas tienen como equipo una planta y dos peces, pero menos mal y como yo tengo una planta y dos pájaros, esto me ayuda demasiado y casi siempre termino ganando las partidas, espero que les haya gustado esta publicación, y que me apoyen con un like, nos vemos pronto con nuevas publicaciones.

And this was all for today my Axielovers, it was a game in which I literally had a lot of energy left over and thanks to that, I managed to win the battle, as a curious fact, all these days that I have played, I have realized that many people have as a team a plant and two fish, but thank goodness and since I have a plant and two birds, this helps me a lot and I almost always end up winning the games, I hope you liked this publication, and that you support me with a like, see you soon with new posts.

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