My Season 19 End Results || Axie Infinity


My Season 19 End Results || Axie Infinity

Season 19 of Axie Infinity has recently ended so now it is time to report my experience! This post will be about my ranking; team used; opponents I have hard time dealing with; as well as some gameplay videos of some matches last season 19. It has been a while since I have last posted in Hive but its good to be back(since holidays are over)!


Season 19 Ranking

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The highest MMR that I have reached this season was 1866 MMR. This season was harder for me due to the balancing. My MMR hovered 1500 to 1800 the entire season. I was unable to maintain a steady ranking at all. In the last day of the season, I stopped at 1748 MMR. This ranking may not be that high but I am happy enough with the result.

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Team Used

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This season started with a balancing update which nerfed a couple of skills and reduced the damage as well. This led to my original double reptile team to struggle. To put salt in the wound, beasts seems to have become more powerful this season. Some players even bred beasts that were faster than my reptiles. So I decided to change my team a little bit.


The team that I have used was a Reptile-Bug-Plant team. I placed the reptile at the rear since it has a zero energy card to counter Terminator Axies. Plus, it has 2 ranged cards to deal with opponents using “Gravel Ant” tail part which could disable melee attacks. It also helps me deal with Beast Axies placed on the backline since the reptile has “Lam” which is an Aqua mouth part.


After struggling in the first half of the season, I decided to purchase a Bug Axie. It is a floor Bug Axie since it has “Hungry Bird” mouth part. “Sunder Claw” would have been a better part since it is a zero energy mouth skill but “Hungry Bird” allows my team to deal more damage to Beast Axies. “Fish Snack” is a great defensive skill against Aqua and Bird Axies. Though this skill feels weaker now since it can only stun once in the entire turn.


Season 19 Arena Review

My RBP team had more skills to deal damage against Plant Axies. With the addition of the Bug Axie, I am able to deal faster with the opposing tanks. However in this season, I had very hard time dealing with Plant Axies with “Yam” tail part. This skill applies poison when the user is attacked. I have lost a lot of matches due to this single skill.


Aside from “Yam”, double dusk teams using poison and backdoor skills have appeared more in the 1500-1800 MMR this season. I have won some game against their team but most of the time, I could not last at all due to the large amounts of poison. Despite being nerfed heavily, this team is still very powerful.

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Another team I had hard time are the Double Anemone & Bird team. I could only defeat this team when my Reptile and Plant Axie have great damage dealing cards or if my Axies deal a critical strike. If I were using my previous team, I would have dealt with this opponent easier using “Incisor” skill due to the debuff slow. However, my current team lacks any slowing skills.

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S19 Gameplay

VS Double Anemone & Bird Team

When I am matched with double anemone & bird Axie team, I tend to save up energy and deal burst damage to deal with the Aqua Axie in a single round. In this match I am lucky enough to deal a critical strike using my Bug Axie which dealt with the opponent otherwise it would have healed in the next round.

VS Reptile & Beast Team

This is one of the popular build I see this season 19, a durable reptile paired with a RIMP beast. In this match, I capitalized on my opponent’s mistakes such as saving energy when not necessary. I started being aggressive at the start using my Bug and Plant Axie. This will ensure that I will not get my energy stolen plus I could disable the steal for the next round. Then I was lucky enough to guess the opposing beast’s action which allowed me to steal energy and defeat the opposing Plant Axie. This allows me to 2 vs 1 the remaining reptile Axie easily. Since my Reptile has poison and “Furball” skill, his bulkwark was rendered useless.

Vs Classic Bird Beast Team

Just like in the previous game, I started aggressively. Another reason I do this is to reduce the chance that my Plant Axie to be defeated by the opposing Beast in round 1. This has happened countless of times so I stopped skipping round 1 whenever I have some good cards. After dealing with the tank, deaing with the remaining Axies were easier. Plus my reptile was faster than the beast so I did not struggle against it.

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