Double Bulkwark! Double Reflect! || Axie Infinity

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Double Bulkwark! Double Reflect! || Axie Infinity

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Today I will highlight some gameplays of my double reptile Axie team using 2 Bulkwark skill from the Indian Star back part. Bulkwark gives a minimal damage and moderate 80 shield. But its main use is to reflect 40% melee damage. Using one can help survive burst damage and deal a cute damage against enemy. But what if you use 2? 80% damage reflect! Sometimes it also kills the opponent that mainly use melee damage. But there is also a big downside. Players in higher MMR definitely know the skill so they are more careful and will not aim to use all their melee skill until they have seen two Bulkwark used. So using 2 Bulkwark is a high risk but high reward play!

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---Gameplay 1: Crits are Welcomed!---


In this game, the enemy played quite well, in my favor of course. In the first round, I used all my energy since I am careful of energy steals from Rice and Serious. Though I was not able to steal an energy, I was able to survive the combo of the beast. In the following rounds, I did not pass at all since the opponent has yet to use Rice. Thankfully my paranoia was useful since my opponent was not able to gain energy from me at all. Then the best part was the opponent’s critical strike. Two(2) out of three(3) of the beast’s combo dealt critical strike but he was unlucky that I had used TWO(2) Bulkwark card! Let’s hurt each other!

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---Gameplay 2: A very normal Bulkwark game--


Just the same as the previous gameplay, I did not pass the first round! Some may say that I am stupid (which I am guilty of) but I have my Plant tank killed in the first round by a beast combo plenty of times. So I decided to pass/skip the first round if my opponent is not a Beast Axie or if the opponent has no steal! This time I did not use two Bulkwark card. I am being careful here since using two of the Bulkwark card can make my Axie less of a threat and easy to pick of if my opponent has skipped that certain round. In this gameplay, I constantly dealt damage little by little until the opponent is defeated!

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---Double Reflect to 1800 MMR!---

Here is an extra gameplay where I used double Bulkwark. At the same time, this is the first time for this team to reach 1800 MMR. This may be due to luck since right now I am hovering around 1600-1700+ MMR.

Grenfunkel’s Notes: Off Topic

It has been a while since I have last posted something here on Hive! After getting constant defeats in PVP and in the splinterland game, I felt a bit depressed thinking that I must be wasting my time(even though I am not!). But seriously, rent in splinterlands has been too expensive for me recently.

Now back to the off topic, the little bout of depression made me lazy to have the drive to do anything at all. So I skipped a few days of writing. Then came the procrastination virus. I felt that I could write the next day. Until it reached a week! Plus, I have been constantly checking y investment in other cryptocurency(Lots of mistakes since I am a total noob). But after burning at least 10$, I was able to learn something important. I am not good at trading altcoins! So I decided to follow the best advice I have heard so far, HODL and forget. So I did. Now I feel less stress and now I have a bit of drive to write.

But even while writing this article, I felt the lack in momentum. A few days of being lazy is catching up to me it seems. Furthermore, I was too absorbed reading some light novels once again! It seems that my bad habits cannot be stopped. I can only accept that fact and try to be productive in the coming future days. Another big slap that woke me up was my tax. I totally forgot to report my quarterly tax. I should not have to pay even a single cent for the quarter but due to my late filling, I was fined 20$. I could only consider this as a tuition fee to learn a life lesson. So if you don’t wish to be like me, don’t procrastinate and finish things quickly!

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