How You Can Increase Your Chance Of Getting On Board As An Axie Scholar (2021)

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Do you spam posts, tweets, and inbox of Axie Infinity Managers with your generic and copy-pasted resumes ? Or leave
redundant comments like "Good day manager. Hoping to become your scholar" every single day? If you do, I suggest you to STOP it right now because you're killing your potential of getting on board.


Hello! I'm Ed. An aspiring Axie Infinity Scholar just like you. It's almost a month since I started looking for scholarships after randomly watching a video about Axie Infinity on TikTok.

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And of course, as a newbie, the only way I know how to get one was to do what everyone does, and it's to submit a ton of resumes to managers. Yes, I did it as well. Whenever I see posts about managers looking for scholars, I would spam it with my copy-pasted introduction , and my boring and plain resume. And guess what? I was never accepted nor noticed.

I encountered many managers who said that my methods won't help me get one because I don't stand out from hundreds of people who compete for a very small spot. So, I started to change my approach and I was in awe that several managers started noticing me as a potential scholar. I'm finally on the waitlist after 2 weeks, and gonna be a scholar soon!!!


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They say, "Sharing is caring." So, today I will share with you how you can increase your chance of getting on board as an Axie Infinity Scholar. These are all based on my own experience, observations, and advice directly from managers.



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Just like what I said earlier, do not spam managers with your resume either on their tweets, posts or in boxes. That's a no-no . You'll immediately lose the chance of getting picked once you do this because there are a lot of managers who disqualify applicants for doing so. Imagine how messy their inboxes and notifications are if a hundred people are sending them a hundred copies of resumes and redundant messages every day.

If a resume is required, submit it once . Do not conform with the general format of making a resume. Make it interesting and extraordinary.



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Since the application process happens mainly on social media, you have to show the managers that you are a real existing person. If your profile picture is naruto, a face of a KPOP idol, or you don't even have one, your chance of being recognized is 0%. Let's fix your profile account. Listed below are the changes you can do to optimize your socmed.

  1. Put your real face in your profile picture.
  2. Use an easy-to-read/remember username and handle.
  3. Post/tweet pictures about your daily life.
  4. Introduce yourself briefly in your bio.
  5. Interact with managers, scholars, and other aspiring scholars' posts/tweets. Be genuine.
  6. Use the same username on Twitter, Discord, Hive, and Facebook because it will be easier for managers to identify who you are. The same goes for your profile picture.
  7. Be active.

Look for scholarship programs on Twitter rather than on Facebook because the competition in the latter is way tougher. There are thousands of applicants swarming on one manager on FB thus making it impossible to get noticed (this is base on what I've seen on FB Philippines). Lastly, choose those programs that have clear, systematic, and well-explained instructions . Most of it can be found on managers' pinned tweets so make sure you check on them before applying.



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If you read the title completely, you're doing great because most aspiring scholars don't. Managers have different systems for choosing scholars. ALWAYS READ THEIR INSTRUCTIONS. Some managers instruct you to send your resume, some don't. Some want you to fill up an application form on google docs, some don't. They have different methods in choosing scholars and you have to follow them. And you'll only do it correctly when you make reading a habit .



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Axie Infinity Community is evolving . Managers no longer look for scholars who are good at playing online games. Even if you say that you can grind Axie Infinity 24/7, they won't choose you instantly. It is not their primary consideration. Today, they prioritize scholars who have something to contribute to the community . A valuable contribution. You might ask, "How can add value to the community?" Simple, use your talent. Do you excel in art? Make axie fanarts. You can sing? Compose a song about axie. You are a journalist? Write articles or blogs that can help beginners. You can dance, create memes, make cool edits, record tutorial videos and do anything you can think of. So, if you have hidden talents, start uncovering them now because we on Axie Buzz will enthusiastically wait for your first content about Axie Infinity.



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This should not be included here on the list because we are highly expected to be respectful since it is taught at home and even at school. Unfortunately, there are still several aspiring scholars, even those who are already on the waitlist, who talk to managers with contempt because they are losing their patience (they wanted to get picked/onboarded immediately). That's a BIG NO-NO . Whoever who you talk to, either a manager, a scholar or fellow applicants, talk to them with respect . Simple as that.



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They say, "Patience is a virtue." It is, indeed. Going back to what I said above, some aspiring scholars, even the waitlisted ones, lose their patience and end up disrespecting managers. We should keep in mind that there are people who came first before us and we have to follow the order. In addition, managers can't produce a lot of teams in a short amount of time because of the expensive breeding costs . Instead, spend your time sharpening your knowledge about Axie Infinity by reading articles or watching in-game videos on YouTube. Remember, good things come to those who wait.


And that's it! Those are all the things I did to secure a scholarship. I hope that after this, you will start making changes and see the results firsthand. Always remember to trust the process because hard work will never betray you. Enjoy your journey as an aspiring scholar, meet people, bond, and join us to build a stronger, empowered, and diverse Axie Infinity community.


Bonus Tips:

Follow these people on Twitter to find credible scholarship opportunities.

@AxieRetreat - you'll find a lot of scholarship opportunities here

They offer scholarships plus you'll learn a lot from them!


Twitter Nick: axiED🚀
Twitter Handle: @eeeee__ai

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