PukuConcurso "La Voz Cantante" Semana 62 / Uñas asesinas (Cover) By @dinaaczib

Greetings my Pukubrothers and Pukusisters! Once again I present myself in this incredible space and for me it is of course a reason for joy. Today I would have loved to come with my ukulele, but I have a problem in my right arm, the administrative work I do with computer plus rehearsing with the aforementioned musical instrument, have caused discomfort that for the moment do not allow me to play it, but little by little I am recovering and with great expectations I am already working with some songs.

This song "Uñas Asesinas" is very dear to me, as they were those songs with which I started listening to rock so many years ago, influenced by my brothers, I was about 8 or 9 years old. I like the versatility that Zapato 3 has, I think they are very characteristic with their music and the good vibes they give off.

I hope this a cappella entry is to your liking, it has been with much affection for this great family.

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¡Saludos mis Pukuhermanos! Nuevamente me presento en este increíble espacio y para mí por supuesto es motivo de alegría. El día de hoy me hubiese encantado venir con mi ukelele, pero presento un problema en el brazo derecho, el trabajo administrativo que realizo con ordenador más ensayar con el mencionado instrumento musical, han provocado molestias que de momento no me permiten ejecutarlo, pero poco a poco me voy recuperando y con muchas expectativas ya estoy trabajando con algunos temas.

Esta canción “Uñas Asesinas “es muy querida por mí, ya que fueron esas canciones con las que empecé escuchando rock hace tantos años, por influencias de mis hermanos, tendría como 8 o 9 años. Me gusta la versatilidad que tiene Zapato 3, creo que son bien característicos con su música y las buenas vibras que desprenden.

Espero que esta entrada a capela sea de tu agrado, ha sido con mucho cariño para esta gran familia.

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Uñas asesinas

Y pensar que me quieres matar
con tus uñas me vas a asesinar
y pensar que tu no eras asi asi asi...asi...
tu y yo que va.

Y pensar que no puedo dormir,
y tu dices que ya no te exito mas,
y pensar que tu no eras asi asi asi...oooohhh...
tu y yo que va.

Y pensar que me quieres matar,
que con tus uñas tu me vas a asesinar,
y pensar que tu no eras asi asi asi...ooohhh...
tu y yo que va.

Killer nails

And to think that you want to kill me
With your fingernails you're going to kill me
And to think that you weren't like that... like that... like that...
you and me that goes.

And to think that I can't sleep,
and you say that I don't excite you anymore,
and to think that you weren't like that...oooohhh...
you and me that goes.

And to think that you want to kill me,
that with your fingernails you're going to kill me,
and to think that you weren't like that...ooohhh...
you and me that goes.

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Zapato 3 - Uñas asesinas

Source / Fuente

Tools used and credits/ Herramientas usadas y créditos:

  • Video grabado con: Huawei Y9 Prime
  • Video editado con: Canva
  • Imagen principal editada con: Canva
  • Elementos animados: Canva
  • Traductor: DeepL Translate
  • Compositor: Fernando Batoni
  • Cantante: Zapato 3
  • Lyrics / Letra

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