What God Wants From A Righteous Man

Good evening, everyone; it's Sunday, and I hope we all went to church.

It's my second time posting in this community, and I hope I'm welcome.

It's a special day, and, it's marvelous in our sight. Our today's service was impactful. I was blessed by the message that was preached during our Sunday school class.

Honestly, it was an interactive session. People were allowed to ask any question that borders them, and by God's special grace, our pastor, who was filled with the holy spirit, was able to give answers, to their questions. And, guess what! They were truly satisfied.


Today, our teacher was teaching on the topic of What God wants from a righteous man. She drew her text from the book of John, chapter four, verses fifteen.
And, I, read, If ye love me, keep my commandments.

This happens to be one of the scriptures I love so much. The reason is because, God, himself, had made everything clear to us.

The first thing, God wants from a man is love. He, himself, demonstrated his love towards us by sending his only begotten son, Jesus Christ, to come and die for the remission of our sins.

It wasn't easy, believe me. He made the right choice, and that is the reason we are enjoying the grace we're enjoying today. Of course, it was the sacrifice and love of one man that led to that.

So, for us to know what he wants, we must, first and foremost, love him before we think of obeying his commandments.

Note:If you don't love someone, it would be very difficult for you to obey such a person whenever he or she instructs you to do so.

The second thing God wants from a righteous man is integrity and honesty. These two quantities are interwoven. One cannot survive this sinful world without having them.

Integrity means the quality of always yielding to certain principles, which are known to be authentic.

While Honesty, on the other hand, refers to the quality of being transparent and truthful at all times.

Both Integrity and honesty have a strong relationship because they help in building strong characters. We must always exhibit these two qualities, and when we do that, we're doing what he wants from us, as righteous people, that we are.

The third thing God wants from us is forgiveness. Forgiveness is a very good quality, and I assure you of that. If you cannot forgive someone, that means you don't know what God wants from you as a righteous man.

Forgiveness, must not be far away from you. To me, it should be your perfume. People must perceive it wherever they go.

The book of Matthew, chapter six, verses twelve says, And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. I'm quoting the King James version.

Most of us do not understand this particular scripture very well. We only see it as a normal prayer, that we should be praying every day.

But, come to think of it, do we know the repercussions, of this prayer? In case, you were not aware, let me tell you that each time you pray this prayer, you're putting your life in danger.

What this scripture is telling us is that if we don't forgive those who offended us, our heavenly father is not forgiving our sins.

And, you know what that means. This is one of the reasons we don't have quick answers to our prayers.
How can God answer our prayers when our hearts are filled with hatred and malice? Our God is jealous; that is what I want you to know.

So, for you to please him, you must learn to forgive, and let go of certain things.

I would've loved to write more than this, but I will still enlighten us more on this, some other time.

Thank you for visiting my blog.

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