Don't Measure Your Victory By Your Pain

You cannot measure your victory by your pain.


There is a story where Jacob wrestled with God. He wrestled with this angel and he ended up walking away with the lamb.

Genesis 32 verse 24.

And Jacob was left alone.

The man wrestled with him, which was God. And he didn't know it yet until the breaking of day. He fought with this man all night. It was WWE Smackdown. And when the man, not Jacob, the angel saw that he did not prevail against Jacob, he touched his hip socket and Jacob's hip was pulled out of joint.

There are some things we've been fighting for so long in our lives, we feel like we I've been fighting all night long and have been trying to win this battle. But just because you're still fighting doesn't mean that the victory has already been won by the opposing side. It means you still haven't lost.

And so once this angel pulled Jacob's leg out of joint, he said, let me go. The day is broken. The other day, I was feeling extremely discouraged about a battle that I'm facing right now and I'm like, God, if I have the victory, why do I still feel this pain in my body? Why am I still hurting Why am I still feeling like this?

And the Lord said, just because you walk with a limp victory doesn't mean you didn't win.

You cannot afford to compare your pain to God's promises. Choose what you attach your faith to. One of the specific promises God gave us is that we have victory through Jesus Christ.

Your scar, your limp, your pain is your proof that what fought you could not kill you. Because Jesus has already won, we already win. You walk in the grace of God and you got to embrace that and walk and fight this thing.

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