He called us out!

Hello, kings and priests

God is our possession and we are his possession. God has helped us and called us to be his own. In the bible we saw how priests were standing in the gap for the people, interceding, going to God in prayers for the people of Israel, receiving answers from God to the people, shedding the blood of calves, goats, and other animals for cleansing of man's sin but Jesus came and died, buried and resurrected for the sake of man. His blood was shed on the cross, and through His blood, He called me and you out of darkness into His marvelous light that we might see His Glory of His name.


1 Peter 2:9 But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light:

He chose us, to be a special people, a king and a priest of our own, to be the ones to come to Him boldly and receive answers from His mouth, to know Him for ourselves and represent Him to the world to show the praises of Him who has called us. This is what we should understand as believers that we ought to praise Him and give thanks for the beautiful things he has done in our lives.

It should be a thing of joy and celebration in a believer's life. Darkness represents ignorance, doom, slavery, lack of knowledge, and many more that would look like darkness in a believer's life. God is so wonderful, merciful, and gracious that's the reason He came into the space and did the needful for all the believers. He doesn't want us to waste. He wants us to have direct access to Him on His throne.

Thank you.

Your fashionista,


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