Monomad : A piece of Engineering

“Take care of your car in the garage, and the car will take care of you on the road.”
― Amit Kalantri

It has been raining for two days, today we got snow falling for almost the whole day and night. It's funny how weather can change from spring temperatures and dry winter. Have been home cleaning and resting to gather energies for next week. Hopefully ski resorts will be open next week, fingers crossed!


Sharing a photo of my 4motion, it has almost been a year now since I got it, made over 35k kilometers, lot's of adventures, roadtrips and stayed reliable on all terain. Crossing 420.000 kilometers without breaking a sweat'. Nothing has supprised it this morning with heavy snow falling, although it's got summer tires, it took care of the grip, got me to work and back home safe, reliable and luckly without any problems.


Really grateful to have it, that I have found such a machine, specially from a 1st owner that took care of it for over 20 years, a piece of engineering (or a wolf in sheeps clothing). It got me threw many things, even threw harshest terrain in bad conditions. That's why I take real good care of it, keeping it clean, serviced and well maintaned. New tire's are already waiting for it.


Thank you for taking time to read and stopping by I wish you a great weekend!

Imagination is everything it is the preview of life's coming attractions -Albert Einstein

Til next time, stay awesome... Happy, Strong & Healthy my friends !

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