A Procession in Black and White 馃摳

A few weeks ago, I had the opportunity to go to the procession of Christ here in Vigo, a celebration that, although I am not Catholic, I decided to approach and witness an essential part of the culture of the city.

Hello friends, ever since I arrived in this city I have wanted to learn about all its traditions, and one of the most anticipated events throughout the year is this, The Procession of Christ. I know beforehand that in Spain they are very catholic and attending such a significant event for the people of Vigo gave me a better perspective to understand so much devotion of the community.

It was a sunny day, one of those when the heat was scorching and the glare of the sun did not let you see very well, however, that did not prevent the procession from attracting a crowd of people, all gathered around their faith.
This celebration year after year becomes an event awaited by many, both young and old, it is a family reunion, a generational connection. The solemnity and devotion of the faithful impregnate the atmosphere with peace while the sound of the bands accompanies the journey of the holy image.

I have decided to share these images in black and white looking to convey the essence and soul of this important event, I hope you like it guys.

Hace unas semanas, tuve la oportunidad de ir a la procesin del Cristo aqu en Vigo, una celebracin que, aunque no soy catlica, decid acercarme y presenciar  una parte esencial de la cultura de la ciudad.

Hola amigos, Recin llegada a esta ciudad he querido empaparme de todas sus tradiciones y uno de los eventos ms esperado durante todo el ao es este, La Procesin De Cristo. S de antemano que en Espaa son muy catlicos y asistir a un evento tan significativo para los vigueses me ofreci una perspectiva mejor para comprender tanta devocin de la comunidad.

Era un da soleado, de esos en los que el calor es abrasador y el resplandor del sol no te deja ver muy bien, sin embargo eso no impidi que la procesin atrajera a una multitud de personas, todas reunidas en torno a su fe.

Esta celebracin ao tras ao se convierte en un acontecimiento esperado por muchos, tanto grandes como pequeos, es un encuentro familiar, una conexin generacional.  La solemnidad y la devocin de los fieles impregnan de paz  el ambiente mientras el sonido de las bandas acompaan el recorrido de la imagen santa.

He decidido compartir estas imgenes en blanco y negro buscando transmitir la esencia y el alma de este importante evento, espero les guste chicos.









This is my entry for the #monomad challenge.


Images in this post are my own
English text translated with https://www.deepl.com/es/translator

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