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LIKE A PICTURE ON THE WALL/ This is my entry for Monomad challange 8th

Hello Community! I feel nostalgic today.
These are photos of my little loves when they were little, they have changed so much that they no longer seem the same. Their little figures have transformed into affectionate, protective and territorial creatures.

They give off love in such a way that loneliness is not a punishment, their presence is capable of removing any vestige of sadness and attracts laughter and joy. I still remember when I always walked looking at my feet for fear of hurting them, they were so tiny that they could go unnoticed.

Today they are my greatest pride, looking at these photos everything feels so past, so far away, so from another life. I look at the images and they look like a picture on the wall.


Hola Comunidad. Hoy me siento nostálgica

Estos son fotos de mis pequeños amores siendo pequeños, han cambiado tanto que ya no parecen los mismos. Sus pequeñas figuras se han transformado en cariñosos, protectores y territoriales criaturas.

Desprenden amor de tal manera que la soledad no resulta un castigo, sus presencias son capaces de alejar cualquier vestigio de tristeza y atraen risas y alegría. Aun recuerdo cuando siempre caminaba mirando mis pies por temor a lastimarlos, eran tan diminutos que podían pasar desapercibidos.

Hoy son mi mayor orgullo, contemplando estas fotos todo se siente tan pasado, tan lejano, tan de otra vida. Observo las imágenes y parecen una foto en la pared.

Text and photos are original🌻✨

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