

Don't know when tornado season is supposed to end around here but I'm pretty sure it's before December. Seems nobody informed Mother Nature.


Slept through the worst of it here, woke up to find that western Kentucky got hit hard. Went downtown to my usual Saturday morning volunteer gig and got to listen to preachers with loudspeakers yell about how the tornados were god's judgement. People suck.


The town of Mayfield, Kentucky is just gone. Last I heard, there's 64 confirmed dead in Kentucky, with over one hundred still missing and unaccounted for. My house burnt down when I was in high school, watching people picking through the wreckage of their homes looking for anything that survived brought back memories of that.


I want to go down there, both to take photos and to help out but right now that's the last thing they need. There'll be a time for that but for right now they're just trying to survive (temps went from mid 60s to below freezing after the storm). In the meantime, if you're interested in helping out you can donate to the relief fund the governor has set up here.


The interwebs were knocked out here until this morning but further west they're looking at weeks without power. My phone was moving at the speed of smell but I was able to doomscroll a bit still. Watching the community organize and go into action to help those affected has been reassuring. Not all people suck.


Aside from one photo of the Garden of the Gods in Colorado Springs, all these photos are from Rocky Mountain National Park. I don't think a day passed without a thunderstorm while I was there but thankfully tornados are rather rare.


Anybody else here on hive get some nasty weather Friday/Saturday?

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