Dobby Capuccino: Un Siamés Lynx Point (Eng/ Esp)

¡Hola a todos! Hoy quiero compartir con ustedes todo lo que hemos investigado sobre Dobby Cappuccino espero sea de su agrado este post de hoy.

Desde la llegada de Dobby Capuccino a nuestro hogar, nos hemos embarcado en una aventura de descubrimiento y aprendizaje sobre los gatos. Hemos investigado sobre su raza, el siamés Lynx Point, para entender mejor su comportamiento y sus necesidades.

Sus características más notables son sus maullidos muy bajos, la ‘M’ que se forma en su frente, y sus ojos azules. A veces parece que tiene mala visión. Es juguetón, pero hay momentos en los que prefiere estar solo y no ser molestado. Pasa la mayor parte del día durmiendo. Muchas veces, durante la noche, quiere jugar, pero al ver que todos nos vamos a dormir, se acuesta a nuestros pies y se duerme.

A Dobby Capuccino no le gusta el pescado. Es raro, pero no le gusta el olor. Prefiere comer carne, zanahoria, papas, pollo y huevos. A veces también come croquetas.

Cada día con Dobby Capuccino es una nueva experiencia, es un gatito diferente o quizas soy yo la que he cambiado con respecto a la forma de tener mascotas.





Hello everyone! Today I want to share with you all that we have researched about Dobby Cappuccino. I hope you enjoy this post today.

Since the arrival of Dobby Cappuccino to our home, we have embarked on a journey of discovery and learning about cats. We have researched about his breed, the Siamese Lynx Point, to better understand his behavior and needs.

His most notable features are his very low meows, the ‘M’ that forms on his forehead, and his blue eyes. Sometimes it seems like he has poor vision. He is playful, but there are times when he prefers to be alone and not be bothered. He spends most of the day sleeping. Many times, during the night, he wants to play, but seeing that we are all going to sleep, he lies down at our feet and falls asleep.

Dobby Cappuccino does not like fish. It’s strange, but he doesn’t like the smell. He prefers to eat meat, carrots, potatoes, chicken, and eggs. Sometimes he also eats croquettes.

Every day with Dobby Cappuccino is a new experience, he is a different kitten or maybe it’s me who has changed with respect to having pets.

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