Hive Love Story aka explaining my hiatus

Have you missed me?

It's fair to say that I have been quite distracted in the last couple of weeks and all for a good reason.

I met the love of my life, as can be read in last week's I manifested the woman of my dreams and she manifested me

Since we finally met up, after 4 and a half years of being in touch (online) and especially since I told @clareartista that I was/am in love with her, life has been a rollercoaster and time stopped making sense.

Aside from this, I left my laptop back home, in Portugal, before my trip to The Netherlands (to visit family and friends) and Italy, to conquer Clare and, whilst in Italy, my phone was out for repairs for a week and a half.

All good reasons to have lost my posting mojo ( although I am upping my short posting skills on ecency waves ) and to go silent for a while on Hive.

La vita é bella.
Life is beautiful

more so than ever before.

Clare and I are preparing to leave Italy and travel to Portugal to see how building a life together there will feel/suit us so we are more than a little distracted.

Nevertheless, we enjoy (almost) every single moment together, we ♥️ it! not unlike how much we enjoyed this afternoon's tiramisu...

Clare and I are co-creating bliss, and our amazing relationship grows stronger every single day.✨

Be prepared for increased creativity on all levels from our side from now on...


P.S. If you aren't already doing so, I recommend following Clare too ( @clareartista ), to read her side of the story. You can start by reading this post of hers from 5 days ago: finding synchrony in all things and a hive soulmate reunion ♥️

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