Watusi Woman - Highland Sailor


Cameron Highlands, just 170km and a world away, called us so a road trip was in order.

Named after a British explorer, William Cameron, the Highlands are renowned for the tea plantations, strawberries and lovely cool weather. Also for the many white greenhouses that fill the valleys. I want to call them whitehouses but nobody would know what I was on about. Anyway, they are plentiful and grow just about every type of vegetable along with masses of strawberries.

We met a guy in our marina who told us about an awesome high tea cafe up there but had stopped doing the high teas. He got so excited about how good it was that he rang the caretaker/manager, who agreed to put on the tea for a minimum of 5 people. So this guy Peter, his girlfriend we hadn't met, and some random person in Cameron Highlands joined us for high tea. Just hilarious.

The place is a bit of an institution known as Father's House. It's the original accommodation attached to the Chapel of our Lady of Mount Carmel Catholic Church (that's a mouthful) and has been there since 1934. The accommodation is now used as a retreat, teahouse and restaurant, all managed by the current caretaker couple. They have created a tranquil haven with liitle cubbyhouse sized cottages to indulge in the delightful high teas. In saying that, if you don't know the caretaker there's no high tea for you. Only Retreat clients get the benefits of the delicious food.

Their scones are legendary and they didn't fail to please. Warm from the oven, thick rich fruit jam and home whipped cream. There were little sandwiches, rolled wraps, dainty tarts and other delights. My tastebuds had a party 😋.



Jingle Bell Cottage

Our accommodation was a condo overlooking a beautiful green valley with tiered levels of tea bushes, other crops and those same white greenhouses. We awoke to a pre-dawn splendour of delightful birdsong, misty fog sitting in the valley, streaky clouds of pink and piped choir music flooding the valley. Add the sound of fresh water rushing down the hillside and it all made for quite an ethereal sunrise.

pre-dawn splendour

a chilly mist filled valley

That morning it was a chilly 12°C both inside and outside. 12°C? In Malaysia? Who would have thought that warm clothes were needed. We took a semi- brisk walk to the morning markets to purchase some of the sweet strawberries the area produces. We found so much more on offer and came away with teenie tiny tomatoes that were like a juicy burst of sweetness, miniature potatoes, crunchy cucumbers, baby bok choy and... the list goes on.




We tiki-toured around the countryside, exploring roads, jungle, valleys, gardens and of course, the tea plantations. There were colonial, english tudor and european styles of buildings with some Chinese and Hindu temples to add to the mix. There are bee farms, lavender gardens and many pick-your-own strawberry farms. The british theme is strong here so there are scones and tea available in many places and dozen of restaurants to cater to all palates. For the nature lovers there are many hiking trails through the valleys, waterfalls to climb to, the Mossy Forest and Mount Batu Brinchang, the highest mountain in the highlands.

a little bit of Britain for the kids

the famous Cameron Highland Tea Plantation

The Lakeside Hotel - classic tudor style

Hubby found himself a new car

There was quite a bit of rain around, so embracing the hiking side of Cameron Highlands didn't really appeal to us. The views from Mount Batu Brinchang were obscured by the heavy cloud that rolled in, bringing that rain. Needless to say, there are several things worth returning to see and many more restaurants and cafes to explore.

Until next time, Watusi Woman - strawberry kissed sailor, out.

fabulous view from bed

and when the sun is fully up

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