My Daily Story 8/3/2024 : Reporting to my youngest daughter's first day at school.

Hello everyone.☺️
Hello everyone. What are you doing? Are you well? How is the weather? It's starting to enter the rainy season in Malaysia. I woke up this morning at 6:00 a.m. and the atmosphere outside the window looked overcast, and later it was raining heavily. When I'm inside the house and not going out, it's raining like this, I really like it because it makes the air cool and comfortable. I enjoy listening to the sound of the rain hitting the roof. If I don't go out on a day, I want to stay in bed for as long as possible, lol. Good weather like this makes us lazy as well, everyone.
But today I have errands to run. So I woke up early and hurriedly did my housework, then went to wake up my youngest daughter and get dressed to report to school for her first day.

Before going up to wake my daughter, I made a bottle of milk for her to drink, as was the norm every morning in the morning. After drinking the milk, he got dressed to go to school before 8:15 a.m. By this time it was raining heavily. But it's not a problem for us going to school today. My husband and I took our youngest daughter to school while our older daughter waited at home because she didn't have to go to school today. On Monday they will go to school together.
When we arrived at the school, we saw many children and parents who had come to report for duty today for the first day. Students who are new to the class or who have just entered today will receive an introduction from the teacher. I walked my daughter to his classroom, which was at the back of the older children's school building. The seats are in a small building with everything. There are classrooms and a dining room in that building where children are not allowed to wander around and risk danger.
After listening to the orientation teacher, we were able to take the children home immediately. But before we went home, I took my children to see the restaurant where they would be eating in the next few days. And after that we took the time to take each other home. See you again next Monday. The children will come to study and want to be happy and have fun meeting new friends as well.
And this is the story I am sharing today. Thank you to everyone who stopped by to read my articles and view the photos I shared. Thank you to everyone who has followed and supported me throughout.
Thank you very much.

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