You Reap What You Sow - Reviving Our Vegetable Garden

When living in the city, you sometimes think that growing your garden is impossible. But I remember during the pandemic in 2020, people were able to grow plants even in small spaces at home. Some made ornamental gardens—others nurtured succulents. In our case, we started a vegetable garden in the vacant space in our house. I had several posts about it in the past where my family and I used recycled materials as our pots.

Then the pandemic ended, and we slowly went back to our normal lives. The garden we started before became a bit abandoned. I had to take care of other things since the children were back to face-to-face school. But some of my plants survived until now!

Three months ago, I thought of reviving our garden. By the way, I had the habit of putting kitchen scraps (peels, seeds, etc) on the vacant pots with soil in the garden. Our place in the past months experienced extreme heat. Most of the plants in the area dried up. Then the rain came, and I was surprised that the tomato seeds I placed in the vacant pot grew! Amazing!

Our youngest daughter helped me in transferring the seedlings to individual pots. She also got excited about planting. Aside from the tomatoes, I still had my mint, chives, aloe vera, lemon grass (from 2020), and the horse radish my eldest daughter planted for a school project.

The garden is full of life once again! I took some photos of the tomatoes after 20 days.

Here they are!

Then after 2 months or so...

I harvested these few days ago. Yay!

Another one! The tomatoes were not many but it just gives me joy every time I see the results of our efforts in cultivating and taking care of our plants.

Below are other plants,

It indeed takes time and effort to see results in everything we do. Just like gardening, plants should be watered and cultivated. I can always see the effect when I forget to water my plants, they wither.

I am glad that I am back! After months of not being able to write long posts.

Thank you for reaching this far. Are you into gardening too? I would love to hear about it in the comments!

Until next time!

See yah!



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