Asean Hive Community Challenge No. 99 - The Myth of Queen Of The Night Flower

Hello everybody,

In the year, 2020, we bought a lot here in the City of Carcar, and built a nipa hut for temporary shelter while the tiny house was still constructed. We were new in this place many passed by and befriended us. One of our neighbor, Rosalio, an old man taxi driver who had a stroke, always walking as his excercise then stopped by our place and chat with us. He was(because he passed away last month of January) so friendly and talkative. When he noticed that hubby can't walk on his own he suggested a reflexologist to massage us in our house. Then, the reflexologist massaged us and also friendly, he told me he will give us a rare plant that blooms only at night. He still do not know the name of the plant. The following day truth to his promise he gaved me the plant. I planted it in a container. Months passed by the leaves multiplied I need to transplant them. Then, one day I viewed in FB about this Queen of the Nights plant saying it is one of the most expensive plant. You know when I knew about the plant hahaha I kept the containers inside our house I was afraid it will be stolen. Then, one day, I saw the post of @diosarich snapping their Queen of the Nights flower. Wow, it was beautiful. That week I saw our plants bear small buds. I pm right away @diosarich if that was the first bud bloom, she said "Yes". Whoa, I was so happy! At last it bloomed.


I'mThis was what I saw and sent the picture to @diosarich.


She told me to checked it at night because it will bloom at night only and close in the morning. What I did I brought a flashlight and checked it everynight until oh my it finally opened! On June 24,2023 it's first bloom.



And, closed early in the morning of June 25, 2023.


In Oct 2023, I transfered them to another container and placed them near the fence so it can leaned on the fence. I also secured them with ropes so they can stand on.


From one container, now they are five containers and gave to my neighbors and to my 2nd daughter.

It bloom again in December 2023 with twin bloom but bloomed every other day.




I was so amazed with this rare blooming plant so search for its legend, folklore or myth and I found it in Google.

Queen of the Night or called Epiphyllum which was once a flower goddess, she bloomed everyday and fell in love with a young man who watered her. But love between man and goddess has violated the law of heaven. This soon became known to the Jade Emperor, who was furious and decided to break them up. The Jade Emperor caught the flower epiphyllum and degraded her from the flower goddess that blossomed every day to the flower that could only open for a moment at night. From, then on, she can no longer meet the young man. The Jade Emperor sent the young man to a temple to become a monk and named him Weitou. Weitou forgot the past life of course including the flower.

Hmm, what a story! I've also known that the flower of Queen of the Nights represent Symbolism of Transcience and Beauty. With it's nocturnal blooms, it serves as a poignant emblem of ephemeral beauty. It's fleeting flowers which open for a single night are a natural metaphor for life's transient moments, reminding us to cherish the now.

I am truly grateful that this plant landed on us for free that is why I gave cuttings to my family and close friends who are lovers of flowers.

Thanks for dropping by...


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