Relaxing after Exam🍃📝📖

Hola hive friends, it's me again, kers. It's been a while since my last blog. I was very busy complying with my requirements for college. Then I applied for a position as a working scholar in our school; that's why I didn't have time to write another blog. Anyway, I'm back, and I want to share with you what happened during our exam in Rizal. Kindly read my blog and reblog it. Thank you and enjoy reading.


In this picture, we took a quick mirror shot before we are going to review. We're very nervous because our instructor said that there are no test papers and we have to sit one seat apart, and she will just say the questions in an oral way. So I got nervous and at the same time excited, so that's why we took this mirror shot for memories.



This is our review papers; it's a lot to remember, but I push myself to study. So I can answer the question without hesitation. I memorized each word and definition because our instructor also said that we would give the word and definitions. You know what's funny? I just studied on the day of our exam. Hahahahah, it was funny for me because I thought that I wouldn't remember all of it.Before we started the exam, I prayed to God that He would guide me. That I will still remember all the words that I have reviewed. Then our instructor said that we would start the exam, and she said that we should mind our own papers, but instead of minding our own papers, we were asking each other what the answer was for that number. While we're taking the exam, our instructor was laughing because of our boys classmate because she saw some of them scratching their heads because they find the question difficult.


After the exam, we motivated each other that whatever our score in our exam, we should still be proud of ourselves because we did all and studied hard. Then we decided to go to Pantalan. This is a famous place in our city because it's a bridge besides the sea, and whenever you are stressed, you can go there and take a relaxing moment. So that's why we decided to go there to clear up our minds about the exam.


You will love this place because it's very refreshing with the wind, and the smell of the sea is very nice. It has a lot of fast food like barbeque, burgers, street foods, resto bars, and more. A lot of students come here because of the nice view, and every 4 pm in the afternoon you will see the beautiful sunset. Every time our class ends early, we will go there to clear all the problems in our minds. Some people go there for fishing, some people go there jogging, and some people go there so they can enjoy their date. Thank you for reading my blog. I hope you like it. Please support me, and may God bless you all. Keep safe always and stay hydrated.🥰🙏🏻

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