Joy, Unspeakable Joy!

When we heard the call of the M2 Marketing telling us a few days before Christmas that they have additional plant based milk to give to recipients in our lists, we just passed the Christmas packing deadline although we didn't manage to give to ALL the families in our lists.

And this batch of milk became truly a miracle for us to bless the far out marginalised aboriginals who were stranded from fishing because of lockdowns and also the refugee families linked to an outreach (refugee school) we recently collaborated with.

Not only that, our long term supporter and impact partner Sweetly Bakery once again reserved as much buns as they can to bless the kids, and we know when kids are derived from proper food, their learning ability will also greatly reduced.

These kids truly look forward whenever our outreach team goes to visit them, knowing that they do not need to starve when food are scarce.

What is even more amazing is to see them give thanks for the food packs they received. Some people when they struggle, they become bitterness; but these families, despite of lack, they are filled with joy and gratefulness, and it is a wonderful opportunity to guide the children to be grateful and give thanks of what the Almighty has provided for them in such trying times. Showing them that there's still hope even when things look bleak.

Klang region currently is one of the highest active cases infected with Covid-19, we would be grateful if you would extend a prayer of protection for these families and the outreach teammates when they brave themselves cross districts with food and bearing good tidings to these families, that none of the children nor the family members of these marginalised families now lost of income will fall into the virus trap, and they will stay healthy and the entire district will be liberated from active cases soon so that these children have a chance to go to school to study and learn again.

Angie Ng

Daily Bread Food Bank Director
disclosure: the Daily Bread Food Bank is a non-profit channel, collaborating with other NGOs including the latest Fresh Food Bank Initiative movement.
To know who we are, please do read through our introduction here in Steemit

Where you can find us in mainstream media

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ps: 1% of this post goes to null in the support of keeping HIVE alive

pps: The liquidated HIVE here will be sold off to donors (Malaysia region) with Hive accounts or within @dses charity investor stakeholders for us to purchase whatever that is lack for monthly food distribution

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