February 2021 Food Packing Journey

Hello everyone! How are you all today? We hope you are all in your best of health, and staying safe and healthy in such unprecedented times!

Ever since Movement Control Order (MCO) 2.0 were enforced with even tighter crowd control for public spaces, such as our Food Bank food packing center, the challenges to get food to the families we face are now on a new terrain; but it will never keep pull us down because we are more prepared every time the lockdown is enforced

Fortunately the food and other items from donors and impact partners came early; where we could span out different days for different food packing. Each day is a new day for one outreach, and fortunately with the help of our peer branch (also a Drug Rehab Center) volunteers, we were able to get food distribute


Loading of food to van for sending to the flats, via Glad Tidings Table Outreach team

There are also days when the outreach teams personally came to pack the food we prepared for them during odd hours when we are out distributing or attending meeting with hopeful donors / impact partners; and we are so grateful of their co-operative team work for the sake of the stranded hardcore poor families who lost their daily wage because of targeted location lockdowns due to exposed infections and sanitization.

Other days, less than a handful of volunteers will quickly clock in to get items packed the moment the out of bounds outreach districts received their police approval letters to cross a few districts, miles, just to collect packed food for distribution to inland hardcore poor families.

What really made our day was when donors (who preferred not to be mentioned) contacted us and sponsored us heavy duty trollies when they realised we had to move large amount of heavy rice and food bags with limited manpower this month.

This was truly a delightful surprised for us when we received news, and saw these brand new trollies were sent over!

Not to mention our recipients are in for a treat when Lipton decided to chip in to help! Even we ourselves have never tried this before!

We are overwhelmed that Kawan Food Manufacturer, one of our huge impact partners since 2020 lockdown, has decided to bless us to the brim with frozen chapati, so that we can help as many families, stranded or abandoned, will have something filled in their tummies.

Thank you Boh for stepping in to help!

You have no idea, 1 cup of hot oat based tea could save a person from the brink of starvation that can lead to death.

Thank you LK Fresh Eggs!

Our impact partners could always choose to profit from their produce, big or small, but for them to always remember to set aside for the needy, these are gems of angels without wings that can never be replaced in the hearts who are helped in such troubled times.

God “will repay each one according to his deeds, to those who by patience in well-doing seek for glory and honor and immortality, he will give eternal life;
Romans 2:6-7

On behalf of the Food Bank, your support in reading our sharing of good news, your selfless donations and coming together, collaborate and help those who are in dire struggles to survive, will be in our grateful hearts!

As we continue to push forward to share the awareness to the public, we welcome all collaborators, new impact partners and donors of any means, and together, let's help one family at a time, until they can be on their own two feet, battling through this pandemic that is trying to oppress the normal way of life - but thrive this new normal.

#RakyatJagaRakyat , #KitaJagaKita

Angie Ng

Daily Bread Food Bank Director
disclosure: the Daily Bread Food Bank is a non-profit channel, collaborating with other NGOs including the latest Fresh Food Bank Initiative movement.
To know who we are, please do read through our introduction here in HIVE

Where you can find us in mainstream media

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ps: 1% of this post goes to null in the support of keeping HIVE alive

pps: The liquidated HIVE here will be sold off to donors (Malaysia region) with Hive accounts or within @dses charity investor stakeholders for us to purchase whatever that is lack for monthly food distribution

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