The rainy season in Vietnam is pretty extreme, and it is getting

I know that it is the seasonal time of year that this is supposed to happen and maybe I should just shut up about it but that is not what is happening at the moment. We are getting hit with tropical storms over and over again.

The last one that we got hit with caused a ton of damage from very high winds as well


Of course that doesn't look that bad but it got much worse than that. The hotels on the beachfront for example here in Da Nang, many of them have those see through glass fronts on them that are so popular and those things were flying all over the place. When I went for a walk on the beach with my doge pal yesterday there were chunks of glass all over the pavement still. These businesses have suffered enough by not being open due to tourism being all but shut down and now they have to deal with this, which I would imagine is really expensive.

Then of course there is the question of all of the temporary or cheap structures that are made out of that really inexpensive sheet metal that for some reason is always green


I saw quite a bit of this stuff get airborne when one of the previous storms was going on and this is extremely dangerous. This stuff will straight up cut you in half if were to hit you with the edge. In the past I was working with some of it and my hand slipped and I ended up with a bitch of a cut on my palm and it was only with brief contact. I guess that is why they tell you to use work gloves but it was too hot (dumb excuse, I know.)

The biggest problem that I face in my life at the moment is that el-schmoopo can't go outside because she'll get too dirty and this means I'll have to give her a bath every single time. She is house-trained to use those doggy pads to use the toilet but I can assure you that just like every other dog, going outside is her favorite thing in the world. Now she just kind of mopes in her brand new banana bed


I don't know if doggy depression is a real thing but if it is, she is definitely suffering from it right now.

Then their is the added nuisance of the intermittent downing of the internet. If i am stuck in my house I have fuck all else to do other than do something online and when that gets taken away (as it does several times a day) I feel like I am going to lose my damn mind. One would think that after all of these years that we would have improved the method of delivering internet to buildings rather than having them looped through trees that are invariably going to get knocked down when the wind picks up a tad but nah! It's just twisted pair lines running through the trees. I've been tearing through data on my phone because of this.

I suppose it could be worse: I could live in a country where all this is happening AND it was expensive to live there. Thankfully Vietnam remains one of the cheapest parts of the world to live and Covid has actually driven rental prices down dramatically. My rent when I first moved here for my seaview condo was around $400 a month. I pay just over $200 now. So I guess each cloud (which we have a lot of at the moment) has a silver lining and perhaps I should STFU and appreciate the good things in life.

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