Patience is not one of my virtues

I remember back to a time when I was in college and I was in the gym lifting weights with a friend an co-worker and I don't know exactly what I did to make this happen but he turned to me and said "why is EVERYTHING a race to you?" I never really thought about my lack of patience or my LET'S GOOOOO! attitude towards everything in life but that time my friend made me think. I really do not have a great deal of patience for really anything in my life and I suppose I never did.


This happened to me this morning as well. When I pay my rent I do it through some sort of banking app or other times I am liquidating crypto to fiat through a service like localcoinswap. I do not like to use my own bank accounts if I don't have to because I prefer to remain anonymous so I just send it directly to my landlord's bank account instead via the person who is buying the crypto here in Vietnam.

I don't know if you have ever used localcoinswap or other thing like it but there is a lot of trust that is involved in these transactions. I think it would be very difficult for someone to continually steal from a buyer or vice versa on there because so much is based on your reputation. A buyer is not going to purchase $1000 worth of TRX (or whatever) from someone with no past trades and no star ratings. This reputation takes some time to build up and for many of us, it is extremely important.

One thing that can result in you getting less than 5 out of 5 stars is if you "drag your feet" and take too long to release funds on either end.

I always let my landlord know the time period that I am going to make this sort of transfer to her and remind her every single damn time that it is of the utmost importance that she respond to me immediately upon receiving the transfer . More often then not she doesn't even though the interface in front of me and through the telegram bot is telling me that the funds have been transferred.

These people do NOT like to wait. These buyers do hundreds of transactions per day and don't have the time to sit around while you eventually get around to confirming receipt on your end and then mosey over to eventually click the "release funds" button. This can and will result in you getting docked points and that is NOT something that you want to have happen to you.

I don't think this is unreasonable on my part. My landlord, i've seen what her day consists of and mostly it is sitting in a chair doing nothing. Is it honestly too much for me to ask for her to pop me a message to let me know that it has hit her bank? Almost every single time I have to send her a message asking "have you gotten the transfer yet?" Because the buyer has already sent me a screencap of the receipt and is quickly losing patience.


It could very well be a cultural thing because life moves slower over here in SE Asia anyway and the urgency just isn't there for a lot of people even though I think it should be in situations like this.

I think this lack of patience actually benefitted me in my professional life because although I wasn't particularly good at really anything in my life, I was always punctual and wanted to get things done as quickly as possible. I don't have a great deal of acceptance for people who are not like this. I hate sharing taxis with people at an aforementioned time because without fail, one of these people is going to be dragging their feet and not be there on time.

Since I know that I am annoyed by waiting for other people, I transcend this upon the taxi driver and feel as though I am not responsible for wasting his time as well. Even if this isn't the case. I NEVER make delivery drivers wait for me as far as food is concerned. I always see on the map that they are on their way and am downstairs before they arrive. I know people that will just tra-la-la-la in their house and wait for the driver to call them and then mosey downstairs to eventually meet him. I find this sort of behavior despicable especially when we are dealing with a delivery driver who makes FUCK ALL for a living and now he has the added benefit of just sitting there waiting for your ass when he could be out making more money.

So yeah, maybe everything is a race to me, and maybe I cause myself anxiety because of this but all these years later after being told that by my friend at the gym I do believe that this has actually made me a better person and a more successful person as a side effect.

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