Random Post: Mountain Climbing Adventure and Cooking Delicious Waraynon Snacks


Greetings everyone, bonding with friends or Families and relatives are very fun and enjoyable. For today's blog let me share some of my wonderful and memorable moments together with my Brother and few of my Cousins. We decided to went and to do mountain climbing at Mount Kabingatan, the mountainous place located in the Boundary tip point between Manticao and Naawan the Province of Misamis Oriental. This place is truly an adventorous one because of the high and slope mountains and it will not really easy to climb the mountains because of the slippery stones. It was late 7 in the morning, a perfect time to take a travel and it is better to take a travel on that time because the weather is very calm and cold.

It takes almost an hour before it reached the place, it was very tiring much for us but still very worth it because of the wonderful sceneries and overviews. For the first time, I make a request of my Brother to do jump picts and it takes a few trials before we finally take a perfect shot.


Kabingatan Mountains consists of few stream were lots of water flows straight to the river. At the top of this stream is the spring were lots of Natural water flows brought by heavy rains. Because of the few days of heavy rains, the stream was already filled with water and good thing there was a simple bridge made of bamboo pieces the residents can easily cross to the other side of the place with no hassle so much. Lots of big rocks flashed away down from the mountain and ended it here resulting of lots of big rocks stocked up together.




If we talked about wild plants, there are lots of wild plants just like Alocasias, Mushrooms and wild flowers. Aside of that, there are also lots of Hardwood trees just like molave, Mahogany and Germilina trees grows near at the stream cliff. All of gives a great good contribution to the environment because of its attractive views.


As we arrived at the top of the stream were spring can be seen and found, I tried to taste the water comes from the spring. Residents told us about the spring and it is also drinkable. The taste of the spring water is very natural, cold and relaxing. The water comes underground and it is safe to drink. This was my first time to taste the water came from the spring.




Aside of Natural Spring water, there are also caves can be seen here. Large chunk of stones were the water flows above it. The stones are covered with wild plants. The caves are already collapsing due to strong floods and earthquakes happens here, that is why it is not very easy to get inside of the cave. But despite of that, we keep exploring outside of the areas and still very worth it to do visiting here.

Cooking Waraynon Snacks:


The next thing we did after visiting the mountain was to visit the village place. We saw some of them very busy making a simple delicious snacks called Waraynon. This is a kind of cassava crops pelled and scrubbed in a sharp Plainsheets with lots of holes. We called it "Gidgiran".


After that, they wrapped it with clean clothed and squizzed very tightly to extract the cassava juice, and when it dries they put it in a clean Steamer.


After squizzing all the cassava, they pulvurized it and after that they begun mixing the brown sugar, milk, margarine to make it very tasty and delicious.


They Carefully roled the cassava mixtures and put in the steamer and ready to boiled and cook. It takes 45 minutes before this delicious will finally cooked.

It was very fun and enjoyable happens to my Life and I really like to visit those wonderful place again. Thank you for stopping by and have a nice day.

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