Rosenau Experiment

I filled out an application page on this site, to provide information. I used a page that's meant to apply as a volunteer for Vax Control Group dot com
So I filled it out:

I provide information:
Covid-19 does not exist! There is no such thing as 'Exposure'!
The Rosenau Experiment (1918-1919) says contagion is a lie and viruses do not exist. Ergo, vaccines were meant to make us sick and keep us sick in order to sell more pharmaceutical poisons, not cures but only symptom fighters, that will make us more sick so we will buy more of their pharmaceuticals which will only make us more sick. So, they make us sick from the moment we are born, they disable our pineal gland, and they keep us sick in all possible and impossible ways.
Germ Theory:
Rosenau Experiment:
Nota Bene: The Germ Theory is the bottom card on which all medical scams were built! We need to pull it out!
To uncover controlled opposition: Tell them about the Rosenau Experiment, wait and see what happens. Its results prove contagion does not exist, and everyone who is seriously looking to uncover the truth will recognize that, and will report it. Rise TV are controlled opposition. So are the Corona Investigative committee; Stiftung Corona Ausschutz. Unfortunately, Reiner Füllmich wants to leave the bottom card standing, so the people will still believe in viruses, so they can pull the same scam again. Probably in October, the unvaccinated Ukrainians will have spread a new variant all over Europe. That will be their narrative. Meanwhile, vaccines kill! But they will blame viruses!
To get out of this situation: Aim our weapons at the ones who give the orders. Let them lead us to the ones from who they take their orders. That way, all the way up to Schwab. They are crybabies, they will talk! That's how we get to the ones whose faces we have never seen and whose names we have never heard. The creatures that order Rothschild and Rockefeller around, those beings. That's who we ultimately want to punish, if by then we still care. Maybe some of us will spill the energy to spit at them as they sit on the street begging for some bread or a coffee.
For more information, about the convergence of timelines for example... You can find me in these places on internet:

Video platforms:

Social Media:
Twitter: Account remotely terminated
Facebook: Account remotely terminated

Kind regards,


I guess most of us know about The Rosenau Experiment. Those of us who don't know about it, please look it up and tell the people. We all need to know as soon as possible.

I posted some sort of introduction post a while ago. I did not introduce myself yet to this community. My introduction post, sort of

What more can we do?
Send e-mails to 'health'-insurance companies, politicians, media, (and friends and family), tell them about the Rosenau Experiment. Tell them we ain't gonna take their crap anymore. Tell them to tell it to others. We are more than 99%. We're about half a million to one. We are near 8 billion, they are about 18000. We need the people on our side. So the ones who can think, we need to make them think. Confront them with proof that viruses don't exist, which the Rosenau Experiment is very suitable for. It leaves no room for doubt, not to my interpretation anyway. People who still wear masks, tell them about the Rosenau Experiment. They will shrug their shoulders until they hear it a fifth time from five different people, then they'll look it up. We need to try everything we can to wake up more people. We need all of the police and all of the military on our side, otherwise it'll become just another (world-wide) civil war. We definitely don't want that. They would love it though, they would absolutely love it.

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