Parkland False Flag Psyop Exposed - Compilation of Evidence

This is my final video compilation of clips from all of my research into the Parkland, Florida school shooting (Marjorie Stoneman Douglass High) in February 2018 - extensive evidence demonstrating conclusively that the official narrative was a complete lie and that in all likelihood the entire event was a staged false flag, most definitely a psyop, and quite possibly a complete hoax with no live shots ever fired. Posting for posterity, as my YouTube channel was deleted for previous videos on Parkland, before I even put this one together, and the original uploaded to D-Tube is no longer viewable as apparently D-Tube was no good for long-term video storage.

Original companion post with more info summarizing all of the compelling evidence challenging the official narrative including a few points that didn't make it into the video :

21 Smoking Gun Clues Of the Parkland False Flag Psyop | Florida Cover Up Fully Exposed

With the recent wave of mass shootings in the news cycle recently, I figured it was as good a time as any to get this work of mine up on the blockchain and into my 3Speak library. As those who forget history are doomed to repeat it, it is worth remembering our decade-long history of false flag shootings and shooting hoaxes being used to drive pre-planned political agendas...

And for those who insist that none of the many suspicious 'shootings' over the past decade could possibly be staged, below is proof, one staged shooting 'hoax' so fake that even the fakestream media couldn't ignore...

Another Fake Shooting - Fake News Exposed Again, This Time By The MSM Themselves! (Sort of)

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