Crying over what has happened does not fix anything!


You must remember my small lemon tree, just a few days ago I showed you some fruits on it. Although this time, there were very few fruits on it, the reason for which I did not know until then, now perhaps I know why there was so little fruiting on this plant this time, and its growth was also negligible.

So you must know that it is festival season in India right now. Just a few days ago we celebrated Dussehra and now Diwali is also going to come in 5 days. So this afternoon I was putting up string lights in the garden for Diwali decorations and I noticed that the condition of my lemon plant was quite bad. When I looked closely, I saw that most of the leaves were eaten by insects.

I remember dealing with these insects in the old house, but for the last two weeks, I have not paid any attention to my plants, and now, when I saw them, their condition looked quite bad. What you are seeing in the picture below is probably the eggs or poop of that insect, I cannot say for sure but whatever it is, today I had to find this insect and treat it permanently.

You can see the condition of the leaves, they don't even look like leaves and the entire plant is in the same condition.

On looking closely, I saw some insects on some leaves which I immediately cut and threw away along with the leaf. But I don't know why I thought that these small insects alone could not have caused this to the entire tree. So I continued my search operation. And...

I Saw This on one of the lowest branches of this tree, hidden behind some leaves.

This is an uninvited guest which I had never seen in my garden before today, perhaps because, as you also can see, its colour matches exactly with the leaves and the branches. Perhaps that is why it was able to live here comfortably and grow so big.

And it was not alone here, there were many like it. I really could not believe that it grew so big by staying here and I did not even know about it. Whatever I say now, I realize my mistake, plants cannot take care of themselves, it was my responsibility which I failed to fulfill.

But anyway, it's morning when you wake up. Crying over what has happened does not fix anything. I regret my mistake but now I have to work on stopping all this as soon as possible and work on making sure that it never happens again.
For now, I have cut all these insects from the tree and thrown them away. From tomorrow I will treat all these plants with organic pesticides.

But this sorrow was not enough, God gave me another big shock. While getting rid of all these insects, I accidentally broke the only branch on which lemons were growing. 💔

And this really saddens me very, very much. There is nothing more to say.

Hopefully, you take better care of your plants than I did.

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  1. English is not my first language. So sometimes I use 'Google Translate'. Please don't think that anything I have written in this blog has been copied from somewhere or is AI-generated.
  2. The thumbnail is a collage created using canva but the photos are mine.
  3. All the other content images and words are mine unless otherwise stated.

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