Houseplants Are Rootbound - by Sunscape


I was inspired by @goldenoakfarm to clean up and re-pot my houseplants. As you can see from all the photos they all needed a larger container. It took me all morning to get the job done but I know the plants are much happier now.

Spider Plant

The above photo shows how dense the roots are on this plant. I had the hardest time even getting it out of the pot and thought for sure I was going to have to break it. I had to use a long knife to cut down the sides just to loosen it up.


I think this container should do well for a couple of years, at least I hope so. It certainly has room to grow.

Thanksgiving Cactus


This is the oldest indoor plant I have and it is about 15 or so years old. This was another one that gave me a hard time getting it out of the pot. I thought for sure I was going to break one of the stems but thankfully all went well.


Loosening up the soil helped make the root ball a bit smaller. I only had one pot that it would fit in that was not too large.


I will have to look for a pot about the same size but a bit taller. I will then pot it up again to give the roots more room. For now, this one will have to do.



All the Palm got was some fresh soil as its roots were not crowded at all.

Blue Fern


This plant got a brand new pot that I had bought for the cactus but it was way too large for that plant. So, the fern got a new container and I love how it looks in the white pot.


The root ball was so dense that I had to slice some of the roots with a sharp knife. I don't like having to do that but I felt it needed to be done to give it a chance to thrive.


Look at the little rabbit-foot roots. They are just too cute and new growth points are beginning to form on them. I will have new fronds before long. I love how the plants put out new growth every spring.




The pot I took the cactus from became the new home for the Pepperonia plant. It will be fine for a couple of years in this one.



A little fresh soil and this one enjoys a southern exposure during the winter months. I was concerned that it was not getting enough light during our cloudy days here in N.Y. so I moved it to this window. It started to green up shortly after that and now I can see it too has some new fronds forming.


As you can see, this one has new leaves unfurling and I can't help but get excited. If you are a plant lover you know what I mean.

Well, this was a morning well spent and I am glad to give my babies room to grow. They even got a dose of fertilizer too, now I can get back to planting more vegetable seeds for the outdoor gardens. Spring has arrived and I will be very busy outside once again. Happy gardening my friends.

Until next time, this is Sunscape
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