The porch life

I really love all of the plants growing outside on the deck, we have basil, sage, cactus and a few other things. Also recently we put in a hummingbird feeder, and wow the amount of attention it got was crazy. Though now the season is ending and they have migrated, but other things are now feeding on the hummingbird feeder. Such a butterflies, wasps and yellow

Soon I will pack it up and save for near spring when the little birds return, but now it is starting to get too cold for them up north where I live so they migrate down south during the winter.

It is really cool to see them visit the feeders, they are mostly empty now the hummingbird season is over but they still find some tasty morsels inside.

We have so many butterflies its great, they visit the wild flowers growing from the seed I put out a year ago.

The basil plants just keep coming back, we trim them and within a week or two there are all new leaves to pick.

Wasps walk around, probably looking for little insects to eat. They go on the plants and seemingly hunt for things.

They seem busy doing their own thing and do not mind me near.

Flowers are forming on the basil but still not seeded yet so we can use them.

The lemon basil is doing well too, soon it will be too cold for it though so we will enjoy them while they last.

The sage is growing as well, we use it in dishes we make.

Looks like that basil on the left is flowering as well, they tend to do that at the end of the season.

Oregano is growing in this pot, mostly sprawling across the surface.

Though one stalk is growing upwards.

Once the hard freezes show up all of them will die back and not much will happen until next year.

Amazing how big this one got, its bark almost looks tree like.

During a tropical storm it got blown over, so its had this weird shape every since.. Still alive and growing though.

The cactus are doing great, they should be fine though winter but will go into dormancy.

Looks like the wasps and yellow jackets found the feeder.

Shortly after I clean it all out and put it away for storage. Its funny to see the insects going for it but I its not meant for

A hawk is also hanging out near the deck, not the best picture though. My macro lens is not really designed for long shots.

Its looking around waiting for something to move.

Looks like it spotted something. Wish I could have focused better on it.

And it dives down and goes after whatever it saw.

It is great having all these plants, and the nature surrounding them. Every day is like walking into a nature documentary and I love it here.


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