Plants on my balcony | How to take care of plants? 💚

Hi friends, it's been a while since I've been here, but now I'm coming back to you again! And after such a long gap in my blog, I want to share useful things and my personal experience again. This time I have prepared for you an interesting post about my plants that happily grow on my balcony. I started my first experience in caring for plants in February this year and continue to this day. I love the process of planting a plant, caring for it. But most of all I like to see the result of my work. When new baby leaves appear, I am so happy about it! And what exactly I grow and how exactly I take care of my houseplants I will tell you below.

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You remember my post about how I grew avocado seeds and now, finally, I can show you the result after 2.5 months. The stem of the plant has become solid and has changed its color from green to brown. The leaves have become thick and shiny and are growing rapidly. I used purchased potting soil and I think there were a lot of different seeds in the potting soil, because there are some other plants in the same pot as the avocado that I don't know. Soon I will take these trees to the dacha and we will plant them near our house. I hope that in a few years we will be able to taste avocados that we have grown ourselves.
Care for the plant: water the ground three or four times a week, sprinkle the leaves every day.

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Also, I did a post about how I planted mint and basil seeds. So, unfortunately, the only thing left is the mint, which has sprouted nicely and is delighting me with its amazing smell! I think I'm going to wait a little longer until it grows more and only then will I start using it! I am also very happy with my choice of flower pots. At first I was doubtful about choosing the right ones for growing greens, but now I'm convinced I made the right choice in favor of the long flower pots. They perfectly fit the size of my windowsill and the mint feels good in it.
Care of the plant: water the soil twice a week; sprinkle from a sprayer every two days.

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In the place where basil was supposed to grow, I planted garlic. But anyway you still can see a few stems of basil. It has green stems that can also be eaten. This garlic is less than a month old, but look how quickly it sprouted! I'll definitely make a delicious dish using my homemade garlic!
Care for the plant: water the soil twice a week; sprinkle with a sprayer every other day.

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And these two beauties are my recent purchase. A white flower called kalanchoe and a cute succulent. I transplanted them into a larger pot and they have taken root beautifully. I continue to keep an eye on them.

Care of the plant:

  1. Calanhoe - water three to four times a week.
  2. Succulent - water liberally once a week.

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We come to the last plant for today - green lentils! An incredibly healthy product that can be turned into something even healthier! For this I needed a plastic container, green lentil seeds and water. This is how easy it is. Beforehand I soaked the lentils in cold water for 12 hours, this allowed the sprouts to germinate faster. And today is the fifth day and look at the result. You can already see white long roots and green little sprouts, which will soon turn into microgreens, which I will add to my salads. After all, what could be better than a fresh and flavorful salad for dinner in May! I will also post recipes with these little fellas!
Care of the plant: sprinkle with a sprayer twice a day (do not allow water to stagnate).

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Friends, I hope I was able to inspire you to grow plants! After all, it is a very relaxing and fun process. You can also learn a lot of new and useful things for you. And a big bonus can be sprouted seeds that you can use for food! Wouldn't that be wonderful? Imagine on a warm summer evening, going out on your balcony and plucking a couple of mint leaves for your refreshing lemonade, or flavored mint tea. I am in great excitement! I'll be surely posting all the updates. Wishing everyone a good May and green healthy plants! See you in the next posts, friends!

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If you'd like to see more of my gardening, check it out:

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