Fortune reward at 100 and story weaver at 7 - [ESP/ENG]

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Bienvenidos Gamers de Hive, estuve jugando mucho ultimamente tanto al league of legends como al Teamfight Tactics y no puedo evitar intentar llevar al maximo el rasgo Fortuna, donde sube la recompensa por la suerte y al pasar las rondas (en hyper roll sin problemas, pero en rankeds o normal es perdiendo las rondas) donde podés agarrar la recompensa o tirar el dado para aumentar la suerte aunque no sepas cuantas rondas más tardaras para reclamar tu recompenza.
Welcome Hive Gamers, I've been playing a lot lately both League of Legends and Teamfight Tactics and I can't help but try to maximize the Fortune trait, where the reward increases for luck and passing the rounds (in hyper roll without problems, but in ranked or normal it is by losing the rounds) where you can grab the reward or roll the dice to increase your luck even if you don't know how many more rounds it will take to claim your reward.

Este aumento de "Entrenador errante 1" me otorga un muñeco de entrenamiento con 2 emblemas, los que fueron "mitico" y "tejehistoria", lo que opte por ir tejehistoria con fortuna, para asi poder traerles al ninvel maximo este rango, cosa que no paso (ya se los adelanto para no desilucionarlos) pero si ganamos la partida, y de una forma mucho mas facil de lo que parecio, aunque estuvimos un poco al limite de perder.
This increase of "Wandering Trainer 1" gives me a training dummy with 2 emblems, which were "mythical" and "history weaver", which I chose to go weave history with fortune, in order to bring them to the maximum level of this rank, which It didn't happen (I already told you so as not to disappoint you) but we did win the game, and in a much easier way than it seemed, although we were a little on the limit of losing.

Obviamente elegi el aumento rojo para tener mas velocidad de ataque a las unidades adyacente a kayle, esto permitira que (por el momento sivir, pero esperando a la irelia) puedan tener un buen DPS a lo largo de cada ronda, agregandoles la guinso para escalar en velocidad de ataque.
Obviously I chose the red increase to have more attack speed to the units adjacent to Kayle, this will allow them (for the moment to serve, but waiting for Irelia) to have a good DPS throughout each round, adding the advantage to climb in attack speed.

Estos aumentos no fueron tan significantes, aunque la forja portatil me brindo un buen objeto de aceleracion de DPS, podria haber sido mejor, aun asi pude aprovechar y sacarle jugo al item que me dio
These increases were not that significant, although the portable forge gave me a good DPS acceleration item, it could have been better, I was still able to take advantage and get the most out of the item it gave me.

Estuve indeciso en elegir o el objeto de soporte, o rerollear el aumento "objetos de pandora 2", pero el mencionado es muy poderoso ya que me permite a lo largo de la partida agarrar los mejores objetos para encontrar las mejores sinergias, completando asi los mejores campeones de la composicion con sus mejores items.
I was undecided about choosing either the support item, or rerolling the "Pandora 2 items" augmentation, but the one mentioned is very powerful since it allows me throughout the game to grab the best items to find the best synergies, thus completing the best champions of the composition with their best items.

Ya en este punto tenia 2 de vida, lo que significaba que la proxima ronda podia perder, asi que decidi agarrar la recompenza del rasgo "fortuna" de 97 de valor, lo que me permitio obtener mucho oro, campeones mejores e incluso un sett de 2 estrellas con una sanguinaria mejorada, (SE LA COLOQUE A RIVEN) si ya se, me equivoque de una manera legendaria, se la devi haber puesto al SETT, aun asi logre la victoria de una manera epica, llevando al maximo el rasgo de Fortuna y consiguiendo asi mas ELO en el ranked de TFT modo hyper roll.
At this point I already had 2 life, which meant that the next round I could lose, so I decided to grab the reward of the "fortune" trait of 97 value, which allowed me to get a lot of gold, better champions and even a set of 2 stars with an improved bloodthirsty, (I PLACED IT ON RIVEN) yes, I was wrong in a legendary way, I should have put it on SETT, even so I achieved victory in an epic way, maximizing the Fortune trait and thus achieving more ELO in the TFT ranked hyper roll mode.

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Thanks for reading, huge hug from ydaiz⭐

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