Playing with Tristana Chibi and winning first place with Thugs and Fortune [TFT] - [ESP/ENG]

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Bienvenidos Gamers de Hive, no pude resistirme a estas ofertas por el quinto cumpleaños de TeamFight Tactics, y me hice del pase de batalla, lo que me permitio conseguir a Tristana Chibi a quien veran en la primera foto de portada, con quien me enamore de las animaciones que tiene, pero siguen las recompensas:
Welcome Hive Gamers, I couldn't resist these offers for TeamFight Tactics' fifth birthday, and I got the battle pass, which allowed me to get Tristana Chibi who you'll see in the first cover photo, with whom I fell in love with the animations she has, but the rewards continue:

Aqui encontraran tanto recompensas diarias, misiones para completar el pase de fiesta COMPLETAMENTE GRATIS, con recompensas increibles, aprovechen estas increibles recompensas por el quinto cumpleaños del tft para conseguir los chibis o los aspectos de la arena que mas les guste, mucha suerte y vamos a la partida hyper roll.
Here you will find both daily rewards, missions to complete the party pass COMPLETELY FREE, with incredible rewards, take advantage of these incredible rewards for the fifth birthday of the TFT to get the chibis or the arena skins that you like the most, good luck and let's go to the hyper roll game.

Este aumento para mi es exelente ya que me gusta jugar con Fortuna, y kobuko es exelente con este aumento que deletea a campeones y ganas oro por ello, esto me permitio rerollear lo necesario para obtenerlo desde temprano al nivel 3 y por ende, conseguir vida maxima del campeon por su pasiva que otorga x cantidad de vida por el interes generado en las rondas.
This increase for me is excellent since I like to play with Fortuna, and Kobuko is excellent with this increase that deletes champions and you gain gold for it, this allowed me to reroll what was necessary to obtain it early at level 3 and therefore, get maximum life of the champion due to its passive that grants x amount of life for the interest generated in the rounds.

Ademas, "El coleccionista" o conocido en el TFT como "Coleccionista de oro" colocado con tristana y... la guinso me generaron demasiado oro para sacarle una increible ventaja a mis rivales (Ni habla de Fortuna) que me dieron muchisimo mas oro... ya me tocara alguna recompensa epica para traerselas a ustedes.
Also, "The Collector" or known in TFT as "Gold Collector" placed with Tristana and... the guinso generated too much gold for me to get an incredible advantage over my rivals (Don't even mention Fortuna) who gave me much more gold... I'll need some epic reward to bring to you.

Me olvidaba del segundo aumento, en este caso elegi a "Tira los dados" dando objetos radiantes al campeon con los guantes. No suele ser buen aumento ya que solo es a 1 campeon y los objetos que les toque cuentan con una aleatoriedad que es casi imposible que les toque los que hacen sinergia positiva con dichos campeones, aun asi tuve la suerte de tener un tercer aumento EXELENTE:
I forgot about the second augmentation, in this case I chose "Roll the dice" giving radiant items to the champion with the gloves. It is not usually a good augmentation since it is only for 1 champion and the items that they get have a randomness that makes it almost impossible for them to get those that have positive synergy with said champions, even so I was lucky to have an EXCELLENT third augmentation:

El exelente aumento que les mencione "Bien alimentado", ya que cuando suelo usar Fortuna uso tambien Matones, estos campeones se caracterizan por su cantidad de HP y lo que logran aguantar en las rondas, hace sinergia exelente con el aumento primero que les mostre, y "el coleccionista" ya que deletea a los enemigos y tarde o temprano terminaria ganando la ronda, gracias a la ya mencionada tambien pasiva de kobuco que logro acumular +3000 de HP en esta partida de hyper roll.
The excellent increase that I mentioned "Well Fed", since when I usually use Fortune I also use Thugs, these champions are characterized by their amount of HP and what they manage to sustain in the rounds, it synergizes excellently with the first increase that I showed you, and "the collector" since it deletes the enemies and sooner or later it would end up winning the round, thanks to the already mentioned passive of Kobuco that managed to accumulate +3000 HP in this hyper roll game.

Es increible la suerte con la que cuento, que llegue a una puntuacion de 2998 en Hyper roll, ganando y perdiendo muchas partidas sin poder llegar a mejorar el color azul de la insignia del modo de juego. Sin mas espero que les guste mi partida y aprovechen estas recompensas del quinto cumpleaños del tft, nos vemos pronto gamers, buena suerte en sus partidas.
It's incredible how lucky I am, that I reached a score of 2998 in Hyper Roll, winning and losing many games without being able to improve the blue color of the game mode badge. Without further ado, I hope you like my game and take advantage of these rewards for the fifth birthday of TFT, see you soon gamers, good luck in your games.

ydaiznfts El club de los pelones RedditTwitch

Thanks for reading, huge hug from ydaiz⭐

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