E Football 2022


Igramo E Football 2022We play E Footbal 2022
Pozdrav prijatelji i ljubitelji igara.
Veceras na Badnje vece i u ocekivanju dolaska Deda Mraza igrali smo E Football 2022.
Hello friends and game lovers.
Tonight on Christmas Eve and in anticipation of the arrival of Santa Claus, we played E Footbal 2022.


Igra moze da pocneThe game can begin
Mnogi ljubitelji fudbala sa nestrpljenjem ocekivali su novu FIFA, ili novi PES. Ko sta voli. Ljubitelji PESa dobili su novu verziju pod nazivom E Football 2022. Mnogi je kritikuju, ocekivali su mnogo bolje, po meni grafika je mogla bolje malo komande su "cudne" i hoce malo da koci. Pa krenimo, igra moze da pocne.Many football fans have been looking forward to the new FIFA, or the new PES. Who loves what. PES fans got a new version called E Football 2022. Many criticize it, they expected much better, in my opinion the graphics could have been a little bit, the commands are "weird" and they want to slow down a bit. So let's get started, the game can begin.


Nisam igrao neko vreme, i igram na PS4. Nisam bas dobar igrac. Za dobru igru potrebno je igranje svaki dan, i onda E Football 2022. postaje veoma dobra igrica. Na moje iznenadjenje ubacili su fudbalske reprezantacije. Jos vise sam se iznenadio jer ima i Srbija, odakle sam ja.I haven't played for a while, and I play on PS4. I'm not a very good player. Good play requires playing every day, and then E Football 2022 becomes a very good game. To my surprise, they added football teams. I was even more surprised because there is also Serbia, where I come from.


IzazovThe challenge
Krece izazov i da bi prosao moras da ispunis izazov,i nastavis sa novim izazovim. Za protivnika dobio sa Englesku.A challenge is starting and in order to pass, you have to fulfill the challenge, and continue with the new challenge. For the opponent he won with England.




PocetakThe beginning
Igraci su izasli na teren na zagrevanje i cekaju da sudija da znak za pocetak utakmice.The players went out on the field to warm up and wait for the referee to signal the start of the match





Srbija vodiSerbia is leading
Sanse za gol bile su na obe strane, reprezantacija Srbije je ipak malo bolja i u 22 minute postize gol.Posle kornera najbolje se snasao Dusan Tadic i postigao gol.The chances for a goal were on both sides, but the Serbian national team is a little better and scored a goal in 22 minutes. After the corner, Dusan Tadic managed best and scored a goal.




poluvremehalf time
U nadohnadi vremena vec u 47 minutu sudija je svirao penal za Englesku, cini mi se jako prestroga odluka. Penal izvodi Hari Kejn. Goool. Poluvreme 1:1.In the rest of the time, in the 47th minute, the referee played a penalty for England, it seems to me a very harsh decision. Harry Kane takes the penalty. Goool. Half time 1:1.





Dusan TadicDusan Tadic
Pocinje drugo poluvreme, reprezentacija Srbije sve bolje igra i postize gol. Posle kornera najbolji je opet bio Dusan Tadic Srbija vodi 2:1. Tadicu je ovo Drugi gol.The second half starts, the Serbian national team plays better and scores goals. After the corner, Dusan Tadic was the best again, Serbia leading 2: 1. This is Tadic's second goal.



Nazalost igrac iz Engleske napusti je igru. Utakmica registrovana 3:0 za Srbiju. Izazov ispunjen idemo na drugi izazov.Unfortunately, the player from England left the game. The match was registered 3: 0 for Serbia. Challenge fulfilled we go to another challenge.



Cekamo sledecu reprezentaciju. To je Italija! Bice ovo zanimljiva utakmica. Igraci su vec na terenu i krecemo.We are waiting for the next national team. This is Italy! This is going to be an interesting match. The players are already on the field and we are moving.



Gruba igraRough game
Italija odma krece sa grubom igrom. Borba je oko sredine terena cim dolazim do sestenaesterca ili gol sanse, igraci Italije prave faul, bice mnogo kartona.Italy immediately starts with a rough game. The fight is around the middle of the field as soon as I get to the penalty area or a goal chance, the Italian players make a foul, there will be a lot of cards.



Ista slikaSame picture
Poluvreme zavrseno 0:0. U drugom poluvremenu ista slika, Srbija napada, Italija veoma gruba.Halftime ended 0: 0. In the second half, the same picture, Serbia attacks, Italy is very rough.



Aleksandar MitrovicAleksandar Mitrovic
Korner za Srbiju 74 minut, sansa i goool. Aleksandar Mitrovic, Srbija vodi protiv Italije 1:0.Corner for Serbia 74 minutes, chance and goal. Aleksandar Mitrović, Serbia leads against Italy 1: 0.





Idemo dalje. Evo sanse za Srbiju, i to je faul, penal za Srbiju. Igraci Italije se bune ali cist penal, sudija svira penal, 81 minut.Move on. Here is a chance for Serbia, and that is a foul, a penalty for Serbia. The Italian players protest but a clear penalty, the referee plays a penalty, 81 minutes.





Fer igraFair Play
Nazalost i igrac iz Italije je napustio utakmicu. Alo momci sto se ljutite,jeste li culi za fer igru.Tako sam ja pobedio i drugu utakmica.Unfortunately, the player from Italy also left the match. Hello guys, are you angry, have you heard about fair play? That's how I won the second game.


Navijac Deda MrazSanta's fan
Sta je sad ovo? Oooo Deda Mraz nam je stigao idemo da vidimo poklone, gejmeri jeste li bili dobri ove godine, hoce li Deda Mraz i vama nesto doneti? Dragi prijatelji i ljubitelji igara,

srecan vam Bozic.
What is this now? Oooo Santa Claus has arrived, let's go see the presents, gamers, have you been good this year, will Santa Claus bring you something too? Dear friends and game lovers,

Merry Christmas.
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