[Straw Plays] Deadlock - New "Secret" Valve Game Playtest

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I decided to take a little break from Visage. I've been going so long with the horror games that I felt like I needed a day off to cool down a bit. So the game we're playing today came at the perfect time. I hadn't heard about this game before but a friend of mine had invited me to the playtest so I got my invite on Steam yesterday.

The game is called Deadlock and this is a new game that Valve has been working on. It's still kind of a "secret" even though there are other people making content around it already. However, you can't find it on the Steam store and the only way to gain access is to get randomly invited by Valve or have a friend that already has access invite you.


I'm not a MOBA player usually and have lost interest quickly in the ones I've tried before. Didn't expect to like this one much but I have to say that I had a lot of fun today and I will keep playing it for now. It kind of feels like Overwatch and DOTA mixed into one game and I've only tried one other game like this before called Paragon(it died).


Come with me and let's try this game today! I'll be playing two different heroes in two matches and hopefully kicking some butts.

Also please excuse the mic being weird again. I feel like I'm getting it to sound much better now but instead, it cuts off a lot. Not sure why it's doing that but I'm close to getting it as good as I can soon so please bear with me.

See you tomorrow where we will continue with Dolores's chapter in Visage.


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