The story and what God of War taught me

I can already give a complete analysis of its history, but as surely many already know it then I want to add an opinion about the game and how good I thought it was, at the level of history that is really the point that interests me most about the game.

I must start with the first titles that I passed, I must note that I only played 1,2,3 and God of War 2018, this is because I never had PSP or Psvita, plus at this point I only care about the story so a review to the gameplay on youtube in my language was more than enough to find out everything I needed to know, Kratos son of Callisto his mother, and Zeus the most powerful god of Olympus, are the parents of our protagonist, As born in Sparta he had to be trained as a warrior since he was a child, practically without childhood during the war with the Mongols, they lost the war so Kratos, being a Greek, asks Ares, god of war, to grant him powers to defeat his enemies, Ares appears in front of Kratos and gives him the power of the swords of Chaos, saving him from death, also giving him the power to kill his enemies.

capture by: @rubenp

Of course all this power had consequences since he was practically tied to the swords of Chaos for life, Kratos began to work for the god Ares finishing with legions of warriors on his behalf, but the god Ares saw power in Kratos, but also weakness since he had a family, He was then sent on a mission where Ares blinded him with illusions to make him believe that he was killing his enemies but in reality he killed his wife and daughter, an old woman in Kratos' village cursed him to remain for life with the ashes of his wife and daughter attached to his body, so that he would always remember what he did.

Kratos also began to have constant and recurring nightmares about his family and how he killed them, so he turned to the gods of Olympus to help him forget and erase those nightmares that tormented him, the goddess who was responsible for taking him to the various missions with Olympus is the goddess, Antennae who deceives him to make him believe that he can erase his nightmares, Kratos after so many deceptions including the death of his family burns the entire Olympus without leaving any Greek god alive except for a few who did not stand in his way, "Aphrodite" always saw some humanity in Kratos during his first few titles, especially in the 3rd part when he wanted to save Pandora.

It turns out that all these manipulations came from Zeus, his father, whom he ended up defeating after dying by his own hand and returning from the underworld itself.

When the story of god of war 2018 or god of war 4 as some call it unfolds, Kratos is a man who saw an entire kingdom fall for his revenge, he saw natural disasters fall on people who did not deserve what was happening, wanting to forget his past he travels to unknown lands and meets Feye, a nordic woman in nordic lands, she dies several years later when atreus was about 8 or 9 years old, leaving as only wish that they spread her ashes in the highest mountain of all the kingdoms, at first Kratos thinks it is a very high mountain in midgar, but something interrupts at the gate of the Greek god's home, it is Valdur an important Nordic god, which was "blessed" with immunity to magical and physical attacks, this threatens Kratos but without giving many explanations about his goal, there begins one of the most epic fights I've seen in video games, Kratos temporarily defeats Valdur, and seeks a way to take the ashes of his wife to the mountain before they come for him, since he knows that being a god, there will always be danger;

capture by: @rubenp

out of the video game story and more about the production of the game.

In February 2010 dantes inferno was released, a video game produced by visceral games, it turns out that the staff of viseral games found out by a leak at that time that god of war was a video game based on a character that would walk through the different cultures defeating the Gods of ancient mythologies, starting with the Greek, passing to the Nordic, then the Egyptian, ending in the Celtic to give way to Christianity in current times, so the developers of visceral used that concept for their video game developed in an era of Christianity and the Crusades as if it were a continuation of all future sagas of god of war, in fact in a mural during the game we can clearly see that the different cultures of other kingdoms.

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Atreus, according to Kratos is the name of a Spartan warrior who despite being surrounded by war always smiled and encouraged his comrades in and out of battle, after a while in the story Kratos reveals the past to his son about what happened in Greece, also telling him that he is partly a Kratos does not stop him for believing he is a god but when he wants to impose himself over others just for being a god, he knows that this arrogance alone, the last thing that atreus does showing his darkest side is to kill one of Thor's sons, even though he was already surrendered.

Everything changes after Valdur, son of Freya and Odin, tries to kidnap him and Kratos does everything possible to stop him, Kratos speaks to him strongly explaining the situation, making him react in some way, from there on it is as if it were another atreus, later they know the past of Feye, it turns out that she is a giant of the Nordic kingdom dejotimjai, who at some point were the worst enemies of Odin, but that was long ago since Odin found a way to annihilate them all.

Feye wanted them to bury their ashes on the top of the highest mountain so that her son and her husband would know their past and their destiny.

capture by: @rubenp

The story of God of War is good and sounds fresh despite being based on Norse stories already told, being the main essence of the game, the maturity of Kratos as a father, perseverance, respect for our loved ones and many other messages that the story leaves during the adventure.

If something was clear to me after finishing the game, is that children are the most important thing we have and we are capable of doing anything to protect them, this is also reflected in Valdur and Freya, Kratos and Atosus, being this part of what makes us human, while on the side of the most powerful gods, they only see their children as tools.

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