Resident Evil 4 remake part 12 [ESP/ENG]

Hello hivean! Happy day 馃槃鉁岋笍
In this part 12 we continue after being thrown into the void by little Ram贸n's assistant. We advanced a little through the sewers of the castle and met the seller to prepare for the encounter against the bug that he threw at us. I was a little scared to face him hehe, but I hit him with almost everything I had, and he still didn't die, I had to escape, although I remember defeating him, and he dropped a treasure, or I don't know if I'm wrong 馃

隆Hola hivean! Feliz d铆a 馃槃鉁岋笍
En esta parte 12 continuamos luego de ser lanzados al vac铆o por el ayudante del peque帽铆n Ram贸n. Avazamos un poco por las alcantarillas del castillos y nos encontramos con el vendedor para prepararnos para el encuentro contra el bicho este que nos arroj贸. Me daba un poco de miedito enfrentarlo jeje, pero le di con casi todo lo que tenia, y aun as铆 no muri贸, tuve que escapar, aunque recuerdo haberlo derrotado, y soltaba un tesoro, o no se si me equivoco 馃

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After running out of ammo and healing items, I decided to leave because I wouldn't have enough resources to kill the monster. Upon entering the elevator, a scene jumps where Leon has a vision because of the virus, and here he can see that Saddler was meeting with an old colleague of his. When the elevator stops, Luis is waiting for Leon with something that apparently stops the growth of the parasite inside Leon.

Luego de quedarme con poca munici贸n y objetos curativos, decid铆 irme porque no me alcanzar铆an los recursos para acabar con el monstruo. Al entrar al ascensor salta una escena donde Leon tiene una visi贸n por culpa del virus, y ac谩 puede ver que Saddler estaba reunido con un antiguo compa帽ero de 茅l. cuando el ascensor se detiene, esta Luis esperando a Leon con algo que al parecer detiene el crecimiento del parasito dentro de Leon.

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Here chapter 10 ends and Leon appears calmer after giving himself the injection, which Luis tells him that they have only bought time with this.

We continue and find the seller with a new shooting test, when I finish it I continue along the path, and I must say that this part is fun and not very difficult, first you have to find a dynamite to unblock the path, but to do this you have to defeat many enemies, including a boy and a girl with chainsaws, and this is the easy part, because after clearing the path with the dynamite, two giants appear that must be eliminated with the help of Luis.

Aqu铆 termina el capitulo 10 y aparece Leon m谩s calmado luego de aplicarse la inyecci贸n, la cual Luis le dice que solo han ganado tiempo con esto.

Seguimos y encontramos al vendedor con una nueva prueba de tiro, al terminarla sigo el camino, y debo decir que esta parte es divertida y poco dif铆cil, primero hay que que encontrar una dinamita para desbloquear el camino, pero para ello hay que vencer a muchos enemigos, entre ellos un chico y una chica con motosierras, y esta es la parte f谩cil, porque luego de despejar el camino con la dinamita, aparecen dos gigantes que hay que eliminar con ayuda de Luis.

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After eliminating the two giants, you have to get on a cart inside the mine, and while you advance, you have to move sideways in the curves to maintain your balance, and at the same time eliminate the enemies that are on other lanes and the obstacles so that the cart is not destroyed. At the end of the road the brake breaks and they both have to jump, Luis almost doesn't realize it...

Despu茅s de eliminar a los dos gigantes hay que montarse en un carrito dentro de mina, y mientras vas avanzando, hay que moverse a lados en las curvas para mantener el equilibrio, y al mismo tiempo eliminar a los enemigos que van por otros carriles y los obst谩culos para que no se destruya el carrito. Al final del camino se rompe el freno y les toca saltar a ambos, Luis casi no lo cuenta...

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