Sanguinis Itinera, the Book of Salvation.

The blacksmith was actually the son of the man who got killed by the inquisitors so he was not behaving well but the guards started torturing him and broke his spirit. Then they started moving towards the hidden door.

The grand inquisitor Vitalis asking the guards to take the blacksmith to the door and there were some of his alchemists doing something on the dead body there.

I had to take down the alchemist as he was on my way, so I threw a stone on his head and he was down. I didn't know there was another one of them behind the pillar who came to fight me and I took him down as well in a very short time.

I started following the guards taking the blacksmith towards the door and I heard someone was talking about the Vitalis completing the Conjuration with the book and the De Rune kid. There he mentioned Hugo as the De Rune kid.

I reached the room where the Blacksmith was pretending to open the door when a heavy guard was on my way there. I reached close to the heavy guard and it looked like I didn't have anything to use on him.

I still tried a lot of things like shooting arrows, shooting Luminosa and make fire on him but nothing worked. And besides, there were other guards coming to get me when I started attacking them.

At last I noticed the big chandelier light set right above the heavy guard. I shot down the light set and the heavy guard was gone. The blacksmith took care of the other one.

When the blacksmith tried to open the door as there were guards kept coming towards us, I kept shooting them down throwing rocks. I took down 3 guards there till the blacksmith opened the door.

Rodric, the blacksmith then opened the door and we went inside and Rodric closed the door from this side so the guards can't come and harm them.

The guards opened the door and started chasing us and we kept running fast. Rodric was taking the long route to slow the guards down and at last we found this library underneath the library.

This library was built to collect forbidden books and the one we were looking for should be here also. As per Amicia described, Rodric noticed a book up there and maybe this is the one we're looking for.

Now I had to solve some puzzles there with the help of Rodric to get to the book as there were some book shelves blocking my way.

And at last, I reached there and I found the book. Is it the one we're looking for? Yeah, this is the one and Amicia can barely believe she got it.

To know what happens next, you need to keep following me so you don't miss my next post.

That's all for now. I'll write about more of this story again soon. Be safe till we meet again.
Au revoir/Goodbye.

All the screenshots are my take from my play using the in-game photo mode and I tried canva to edit the thumbnail.

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