Lesson Learned from LLAC Tournament (Reward Earned : 11812.5 DEC), Plus Giveaway #91 GF Cruel Sethropod

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~ 😘 Hi Hi My Splinterlands family around the world 😘 ~

Welcome back to my post, @queen-silvia. In this article, I am going to share my experience as well as lesson learned 📝 I got from from LLAC Tournament where I got 11812.5 DEC 💎 as reward. The tournament is hosted by LLAC (Live Like A Cat 🐱) and created by ss01. The Prize comes from the portion of sponsorship funds received from LLAC. Well, LLAC is a NFT project created by Umuko Nekomori who drawn approximately 22,222 cat NFT 🐱. There are 766 participants registered for the tournaments, I think this is the tournament with most participants ever 📈. The last tournament which is also conducted by Schnapoon is also enrolled by hundreds of participants (around 500), so I think this LLAC tournament is still the biggest 🔥 so far. Alright guys so here are some topics that we are going to discuss in this article :
  1. The Tournament Challenge ⚔️ (which makes it quite different than other tourneys)
  2. Lesson Learned 📝 (all of my lose battles)
  3. Final Result of my accounts and tournament in general 🏆
  4. The Announcement of Giveaway #89 🎊
  5. Giveaway #91 (Gold Foil Cruel Sethropod) 🎁

Let's go with the first topic :

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There are two big challenge in LLAC Tournament, first is the league cap : Novice 🏛 and second is the time ⏰ given for arranging the team. let's discuss one by one in detail :

1. League Cap : Novice

Well, as it's stated in the tournament details that the cards which players can use is limited to novice league only, that means all cards 💳 (regardless their rarity : common, rare, epic and legendary) should be used in level 1 only. I think most of players (who played manually) were found difficulties playing 🎮 in this format because I do believe they played in higher league, like Silver, Gold, Diamond, or even Champion. Playing in Novice league means that the cards that they used are losing stats and abilities ✨. Here is an example for those who played at gold league.
Ranged attack : 3Ranged attack : 4
Speed : 3Speed : 4
Health : 8Health : 8
Abilities : SnipeAbilities : Snipe, Piercing, and Protect
At Gold league, the highest level of rare card that we can play is level 6 so I tried to compare level 1 and level 6 of Silvershield Sheriff 🤠 and above table is the result. We can see the difference of ranged attack 🎯 and speed ⚡️. The abilities are also different, only snipe is available at level 1 while there are 3 abilities at level 6 (Snipe, Piercing, and Protect). So the point is we have to maximize the card's ability which is available at level 1 to win the match at Novice league 🏛.

2. Time given to arrange the team

The time ⏰ given to choose cards and select the team is very short, 1 minute and 20 second :


The detail of the tournament said that this time is the shortest time between the time option so I think tournament organizer is intentionally makes the "team select time" ⏰ in the tournament super fast ⚡️. This will give the participants more challenge. In my opinion, we have to do at least two things in time select team :
  1. What kind of strategy 📈 we have to use in the specific mana and ruleset.
  2. What kind of monsters 👹 we are going to use according to the strategy.

Overall this super limited time makes the tournament more challenging ⚔️ and fun.

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Alright guys so I am playing with 3 accounts in this tournament, my main (queen-silvia) and 2 ex-scholar accounts (agentsilvia and silvia-plays). Both scholar accounts are given from my friends 👯‍♂, I don't play silvia-plays account anymore because it's impossible for me to play 3 accounts. Well, Currently, I only play 🎮 queen-silvia and agentsilvia for brawl 👊 and tournament 🏆 which has the same time as brawl only to maximize the usage of my rental cards. That's it.

Alright here are 5 lesson learned that we took as lesson learned from LLAC Tournament :


Stampede, Weak Magic, Equal Opportunity25Death, Dragon



Lesson Learned :

In Equal Opportunity Ruleset, all monsters will attack the opponent monsters who have the lowest health points first, so basically all kind of monsters, no matter whether they are melee 👊, ranged 🎯 or magic 🔮 monsters, they can attack from all positions. What we can learn from this battle is that we need to use main monsters which we hope they can kill many monsters and some monsters in low health point as sacrifice 🗿. As we can see in my opponent line up, he used Djin Chwala and Harklaw as main monsters, and WIlly Coyotian, Cursed Slimeball, Carrion SHade and Kra'ar Xoc as the tribute monsters. the outcome of the match is exactly as his planned 📝. Djinn Chwala and Harklaw can survive all of my attack as they have thorn 🌵 and shield 🛡 ability and they killed lots of my monsters as my monsters are just focus to kill tribute monsters.



Are you not entertained, Fire and Regret, Equal Opportunity30Fire, Death



Lesson Learned :

This is another great strategy to be used if you guys have summoner or monsters who have resurrect ✝️ ability. The formula is to put monster with martyr ability in the second position and make sure that our monster in the first and third position are very strong 💪 as we would like to count on them to kill lots of opponent monsters 👹. We also have to make sure that monster with martyr ability has the lowest health points in the team so that our opponent will kill ⚔️ martyr monster first. With the resurrect ability, martyr can give additional +2 all stats to the adjacent monsters. This kind of strategy 📝 works very well in target practice as well.



Silenced Summoner, Target Practice, Melee Mayhem39Earth, Life, Death, Dragon



Lesson Learned :

Martyr ability is also very effective to be used in the target practice ruleset as all of the magic 🔮 and ranged attack 🎯 monsters attack will go to either non attack, magic or ranged monsters who are at the closest position to the first monster. in that case, putting martyr monsters as a tribute to increase the main monsters will be great strategy 📝. The example can be seen in the above battle. My opponent put 2 martyr monsters to increase all stats of Void Dragon 🐉, Grund 🐸 and Carnage Titan. Carnage Titan will never be the target of ranged and magic monsters since he is a melee 👊 monster. It make sense to put Grund in the backline as melee mayhem will help him to attack from any position.



Silenced Summoner, Equal Opportunity, Are You Not Entertained15Life, Death, Dragon



Lesson Learned :

In small mana battle when Bloodlust 🍁 is available, we can use a monster with bloodlust like Jared Scar 🐗 because he can activate his bloodlust and make himself stronger 💪 whenever he killed his target. I forget to use this strategy, since the ruleset was allowing players to use 1 gladius card, I was thinking to use 1 gladius and make a strong defense with it but I am failed. Bloodlust 🍁 in small mana and equal opportunity ruleset is still way stronger. As we can see in the battle above, there are lots of "Food" that Jared Scar can "eat" to activate his Bloodlust 🍁 and make him much more stronger 💪 at the end of battle.



Fog of War, Explosive Weaponry, Weak Magic56Fire, Water, Life, Dragon



Lesson Learned :

Honestly, I am really amazed with the line-up that my opponent set in the battlefield. Both of us has anticipated Explosive weaponry 🔥 ruleset by utilizing monster with taunt ability and reflection shield 🛡 monster. This way we can attract all of the opponent monsters in one monster and prevent the blast 🔥 effect spread using reflection monster. Unfortunately, my opponent was using Chaos Dragon 🐉 who can ignore taunt ability and scatter his magic 🔮 damage. That's really destroy my defense. What makes it worse is that the Chaos Dragon has 4 magic attack. It devastate my monsters in the backline very fast ⚡️.


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Alright, here is the final result of my 3 accounts in the tournament :




Well, I have 1 "flee" match at Agentsilvia account since my modem was suddenly out of battery ⚡️. Too bad ha ha, I am pretty sure I could win 🥇 the match if my team was successfully went through. Some lose are due to bad RNG, some crucial attack ⚔️ were missed but anyway, I am still not at my best performance in this tourney, there are some mistakes which I have to make it better in the next tournament 🏛. I am not really satisfied with the result but I got some lessons 📝 which I hope can make me or us doing better in the next opportunity. Yeah, hopefully.

And here is the top 5 players in the tournament in general :


Congratulations for the top 5 especially my ex guildmate, Star-Shroud 🌠 who has been being the Champion for the LLAC Tournament. Proud of you, man. Keep up the good work!. See you in the next tournaments or Brawl guys :).

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Alright guys, now it's time for the giveaway. We have 51 participants for the Giveaway #89. I'd like to say Thank you very much for visiting my blog and joined the giveaway. Here are the list of participants :

@thebighigg, @henruc, @arc-echo, @pablito.saldo, @allama, @olaf.gui, @wommi, @dk1trade, @stamato, @ak08, @ladymisa, @jhuleader, @syel25, @javeson, @rayius, @jdike, @engilhramn, @ganzanello, @theacks, @bitandi, @blitzzzz, @holdeck2, @pero82, @tinyputerboy, @candnpg, @speedtuning, @jats-0, @willendorfia, @diochen, @outwars, @pulubengdugs, @nietokilll, @noctury, @ducecrypto, @josephbr550, @ianballantine, @stonemountain69, @blitzzzz, @cpol, @holdeck2, @ianballantine, @jhuleader, @juliocamacho, @ladymisa, @olaf.gui, @pero82, @pulubengdugs, @rayius, @soltecno, @squishna

(Blitzzzz, Cpol, Holdeck2, Ianballantine, Jhuleader, Juliocamacho, Ladymisa, Olaf.gui, Pero82, Pulubengdugs, Rayius, Soltecno, Squishna got additional 1 ticket as they re-blogged the post)
I hope I don't miss out any names there. Regardless you win or not, I hope you guys keep supporting me by participating in my upcoming giveaways because sharing to the community is fun. Here is the snapshot of the winner :

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Congratulations to @blitzzzz for winning Lv.3 Gold Foil Kulu Swimhunter. This card has 4 ranged attack at maximum level which are very powerful in the battle.

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1 BCX of Lv.3 Gold Foil Kulu Swimhunter has been sent to IGN : @blitzzzz, enjoy that Gold Foil Kulu Swimhunter 👍. For other participants who didn't win, you can try your luck taking a part in the next giveaway below (Giveaway #91).

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In the previous post we had a Lv.3 Gold Foil Kulu Swimhunter card for the giveaway. In this giveaway post, there will be another Gold Foil card that you could possibly win, Here is the card :

Lv.3 Gold Cruel Sethropod

I will use Wheel of Names for the drawing and the name picked out will be given the card prize.

How to participate :
  1. Please put your IGN (In-Game Name) in the comment section.
  2. If you feel like the post is useful feel free to follow me for more battle tips and tricks and 2 weekly giveaways continuously. I'll make sure we will be good friends :)
  3. Upvote is not a requirement but it will be greatly appreciated to increase the quality of the next giveaway.
  4. Re-blogging this post will give you an additional 1 ticket, more tickets, higher chance to win the rewards 😉

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Notes :
  1. The cut off time is the pay-out of this post (7 days). I will put a comment "TIME'S UP" when the time is up.
  2. The winner will be announced in the next giveaways.
  3. If you want to give feedback or critics, feel free to leave any comments. As long they are constructive and not offensive, they will be appreciated.
  4. Started from now, I will tag all of the participants who have joined (in the previous giveaway) in case you want to join the giveaway again, if you want me to stop tagging your IGN, feel free to comment STOP in the comment section.
  5. Every time I posted blogs whether Battle Challenge or Social Media Challenge, there will be 1 card be rewarded for the giveaway winner.

Notification List :

! [Click to see the Notification list] Previous participants:
@henruc, @pulubengdugs, @outwars, @akiraymd, @danideuder, @tinyputerboy, @engilhramn, @ianballantine, @jats-0, @olaf.gui, @poplar-22, @mario89, @seeweed, @syel25, @bechibenner, @arveno, @mxm0unite, @willendorfia, @saydie, @candnpg, @flummi97, @ijat, @dk1trade, @noctury, @jhuleader, @jdike, @kqaosphreak, @ladymisa, @thebighigg, @vaynard86, @pero82, @gregory-f, @circlebubble, @rayius, @javeson, @cpol, @cribbio, @gasaeightyfive, @ianballantine, @jhuleader, @kqaosphreak, @ladymisa, @marcocasario, @maxmaka, @mxm0unite, @oadissin, @pero82, @pulubengdugs, @russia-btc, @bitandi, @obifenom, @cryptoph0823, @hendrot, @kryptofire, @canada804, @mvl2304, @chaosbug, @speedtuning, @seewed, @theacks, @mario89, @dgi, @gamesworld, @supergtom, @yahuzah, @canada804, @supergtom, @saydie, @cryptoace33, @alex2alex, @shiekhnouman, @subidu, @dafusa, @stamato, @gs1, @meta007, @chaosbug, @bfciv, @sheikh27, @allama, @offia66, @kran1um, @inuke, @evans-education, @mario89, @diochen, @squishna, @actordontee, @kran1um, @byz8tine, @subidu, @ganzanello, @oadissin, @hendrot, @juliocamacho, @holdeck2, @ank12c, @tub3r0, @jhridoy14, @pablito.saldo, @faruq10, @daddydog, @wommi, @josephbr550, @greatsaiyanman, @zm984, @diochen, @ebastion, @professorrotten, @ak08, @arc-echo, @zm984, @ramadhanight


If you haven't got any Splinterlands account, you can get it here

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Alright, that's the end of this article guys, Thank you for visiting my blog. See you in the next article and giveaway. Take care~


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