I somehow found the Soulkeep or Tower defense in Splinterlands?

Yes, this title starts with a questionmark because it was just at random that I found this. More like...should I have known this already? Or did I miss it all.... Was that my own fault or was there no promo?

So when checking my Splinterlands account this time I noticed the Soulkeep logo somewhere on top over there next to the land logo. I decided to take a look. Because apparently all of sudden the game is live?

The lay out for starting out the game looks familiar if you ask me. It seems logical when you are a Splinterlands player that you would understand how to move around in this.

Getting started

I just decided to press 'battle' and see what happens without reading anything. That didn't seem as a bad idea as you come into this sort of tutorial where this little hand points you to what you should do also with some info on there.

So where the green lights are on the left of the screen, that is like you 'home base'. Fiends will walk down the path trying to invade your 'homebase' and eevery fiend has their own skills, strength and magic. By setting your towers with their abilities in the field, that is what makes your defense. I guess that is the reason why the cards are called 'Tower defense', but why is the game then called 'Soulkeep?' Can someone tell me?

Here you can see that I have all kinds of towers positioned. Some of them are 'levelled up' with mana which makes them stronger or faster. You have to do this every level again, as you start at zero then.

You can see there are a lot of fiends on my way, and I have two towers which drop bombs on these colonies. Also the fiends are coming from two different directions, which is a bigger diificulty as the 'waves' increase. As you can see in the upper right corner, I am in wave 6 in this round.

The waves take long, but I am watching all of the rounds to see where the difficulties in my towers are and what the fiends are doing to my defense. You know back in the days with Splinterlands, you would also watch every battle entirely to understand the ability of your spells a bit more.

But at last...after getting through all the waves finally there is victory! And that means I am in the last level of level 0. I am curious what will be in level 1.

PvP or Player versus machine?

Now what I always did like in Splinterlands is that the game is player versus player. Now I am not sure from playing this tutorial is this is also the case with the Tower Defense, since just enemies are walking by which you have to defeat.

Here in the next game level the fiends are coming from 3 places so every level gets more and more difficult. But how this works when having multiplayers involved? I am curious to see and find out.

Have you already played this as yet, and what is your experience with the game? Are you excited or did this just raise more questions....Curious on other experiences!

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