Interview with Albert Elfstein: Oblivion's Newest Adventurer

Emerging from his manacles for the first time was a liberating experience for Albert Elfstein. From a long line of academics, scholars, and wanderers, this lone-wolf Wood Elf is an Archer with an unknown past - so how on Earth are we going to get to know him?


By asking him some questions, that's how! (And that's how the future of this Oblivion play through is going to go down!)

What is your occupation?

I'm an adventurer. I can hunt. I can do flips. I like to jump. Perhaps one day, I'll get into mountaineering. I like to fight with the bow, back pedalling while my enemies charge toward me. If they can't out run me, then this cheaper leather armour better be worth the minuscule gold I paid for it.

What's in your pockets?

Lock picks. I like gold. Gold is often hidden behind locks. I exchange gold for lockpicks in order to obtain more gold.


What is your earliest memory?

I remember noithing from my past. My earliest memory is that of the innards of a prison cell, a fellow detainee shouting abuse at me, before would you believe... would you believe - the fucking emperor himself shows up and helps me escape!

What were you in for?

Undercover guard purchased stolen goods from me. Apparently it was his wife's collection of elaborate chalices that I was trying to sell. The community noticeboard really needs to have some more integrity and anonymity involved in its exchange program.

What are you enjoying most now that you're out?


GOSH, The views. The views are incredible. I'm glad there's less people around these days on the city streets. Makes it quiet. Makes the world feel like I'm alone. Just like it was in my cell.

Do you have any wholesome hobbies?

I enjoy stopping to smell the roses, provebially speaking - too bad this world doesn't have a single rose in it. I've searched far and wide - but I'll pick and flora I see on the side of the road, in caves, in towns, in cemetaries - wherever I can find it, just to sell it to poor merchants so they can sell it onward.

I may just have a secondary profession of being a florist in training. I mean, just look at these wildflowers. You can pick them for free, and sell them to a merchant - isn't that just fantastic?


What are your goals?

Well, there seems to be these horrible "Oblivion Gates" that have popped up about the country side. They should probably go. Terrible things. They stop plants growing near them, and the guards and the general people seem to be awfully terrified of the consequences of demons and daedric beasts pouring out onto the lands and marching towards their homes.

I think it's something interesting, potentially fascinating, and something that warrants further research.


What does a day look like for you?

I do not count the days - nor do I retain what is commonly known as a circadian rhythm. The day breaks, the night falls, yet I constantly move forward towards my goals - gold, daedric artefacts, and perhaps protecting the common folk, if only to be able to extract gold from their coffers and place it into mine.

One day, I'll sleep on piles of gold ingots.

Albert Elfstein abruptly announces that he must leave, for an Oblivion Gate awaits. We'll see what happens as he explores the land. Will we ever hear from him again?

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