My first contact with It Takes Two: Bittersweet experience

It Takes Two is one videogame I really had the anxiety to play because how gorgeous looks and it even got to be victorious as Game of The Year at its respective year which was 2021 I think, as a Psychonauts fanboy I am, I felt a little bit disappointed because of that but I couldn´t deny that the game looked beautiful, I really wanted to play it. Lucky me, It Takes Two was released for the Switch not a long time ago, so I invited a friend to play some games in my house and we played It Takes Two.

It Takes Two is about a broken marriage, I don´t want to give many details about the story, but let´s say the married couple is thinking to get a divorce, that doesn´t sound good for their daughter, then the married couple become in dolls because of plot reasons, if they want to change to normal, they need to solve their differences. At the begining of the game, It Takes Two lets you choose who you wanna be, in this case I choose the female character and my friend choose to be the male character, I didn´t like the male character design tho.


Once the game beggins we´ll notice that we´ll play through a split screen and as you guessed, this game is all about cooperation, it´s impossible to beat this game by yourself, you´ll need someone else to play, you can play even online tho. Alright, I´ll give you an example, there was this time where we found like a fan, in my case, I had to move a lever so the fan could move, the other character had to jump on a fan blade then waiting for me, because I´m the one moving the lever, doing this, the other character would reach the other zone. Once in the other zone, my friend had to look for a way to get me in because it was impossible to me to reach further away.


In this case, there is this heavy thing which won´t let me go further, unless I move this thing with my partner, it´s nothing complicated, just pushing the block, I show you this because I want you to see that it´s impossible to progress just by yourself.


We kept playing and once you progress a little bit, you´ll find your first boss which is a giant vacuum cleaner, it´s the first boss of the game and it´s pretty easy to beat, said vacuum cleaner is sick so it´ll throw us a lot of trash from its stomach but incinerated with fire, what we need to do is to give back its trash through its mouth, there is this hose that sucks things which can be useful, one character must be down, the hose will swallow the incinerated trash then another character has to aim the hose to the mouth of the vacum cleaner, I don´t know you if you understand what I´m saying but I´ll leave a screenshot, yeah I know the fire looks like 144p haha but let´s forget about that.


People say that this game changes a lot of genre and I can understand that, I say this because once we beat the boss and we progress the story, both the characters we´ll be given a hammer and a screw, this fact increase the things we can do through the game, it gives the game a new layer of possibilities, we´ll use the hammer to break things as obstacle in our way and screws can be used in platform sections. You can hit with the hammer to you hammer, the same way they can shoot screws, which is hilarious.


In this case, I had to move through a platform, said platform will move by itself, it can be a problem because you need the platform not to move for certain moments, if not, you won´t be able to progress through the story, that´s why screws are useful, my friend is far from where I am, but he can shoot these screws so the platform stops when I need it to stop and it´s quite useful.


So why do I say it´s been a bittersweet experience? I mean, it looks fun, but this is the thing, you know, I wasn´t having that fun when playing It Takes Two to be honest, most of the times I was playing in automatic mode, I mean, wasn´t think too much, I felt disappointed because I heard amazing things about this game and I´m not saying it´s bad, quite opposite, the game is great, it´s just I´m not having too much fun playing it, which is a shame, maybe it´s not my thing, I want to say that my friend wasn´t having too much fun either, he even fell asleep and I´m not even joking, he fell asleep playing the game lol.

This is the second boss of the game and at this point none of us were taking the game seriously so we were dying a lot, he was even shooting screws at me so obviously I died, but he wasn´t smart enough so when he died it was game over so had to play agains´t the boss again, we were having fun but not because the boss was amazing but more because we were not taking things seriously and sabotaging each other saying things like ¨damn bro this is harder than Elden Ring¨ but somehow we managed to defeat the boss and progress the story.

he tried to sabotage me and things didn´t end well for him

This is afeter defeating the boss, I don´t have much to say, I just liked the screenshot and wanted to put it here, we were climbing a treee, I think it looks quite nice taking into account this is a Nintendo Switch we are talking about, it´d look better but I liked the result.


The game had a change of genre once again and it became a shooter, we both have guns, well, not guns exactly but yeah you can say they are practically guns, one gun shoots honey and another one shoots something like fire I guess, most of the puzzles now use the guns and it´s pretty neat how the game change its formula and still manages to work.


Again, I´m not saying the game is bad, I think is great but I don´t know, maybe I wasn´t in the mood or maybe it´s just not my thing, I won´t give up on It Takes Two yet tho, I´ll play it again when this friend comes to my house again, which it´ll be at next week probably, so if anything happens, I´ll let you know.


All of the screenshots were taken by me

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