GG Hades!

Welp, it's been over 9 months with like 6 months of break in between but I finally beat heat 32 to match @howo's heat. :P

Yesterday I changed some settings around, I removed the restrictions of only being able to choose 2 out of 3 powers I get every level cause it felt like it would almost always pick the one I needed to be removed. Instead I chose to power up armored creatures which had some interesting abilities such as teleportation, linking to one another with a laser that hurts if you run through and some times being faster, having more hp, etc.

Was quite fun with some new abilities to fight against without always knowing what they're going to do, made it interesting. Today I decided to record after giving a couple attempts on the new settings yesterday, and what do you know, Hades got defeated.

I was actually a little surprised at the end cause I thought he had two revives at this heat but turns out it was just one and I managed to beat him without taking any damage through the whole fight. I had gotten to Hades at heat 32 quite a few times before only to fail so that made it even more surprising that it went this well.

The most important boons for this I'd say were the crit and extra damage on my special along with the explosive shot, the second power up on my special was nice for adds throughout the map that were armored as it did a lot of damage there but didn't really impact bosses much. The 2 extra dash were really important of course to avoid the long reach of Hades. Other than that I don't think any other boons helped out that much this run or that they were worth mentioning as they could've been replaced with other things.

Oh well, now I'm definitely retiring from this masterpiece of the game. Who knows maybe there'll be a hades hack n' slash version for Holozing in the future as well. ^^

Thanks for watching!

PS! I rushed the recording and didn't notice the game's volume was too low so you'll only be able to hear me talking throughout the gameplay, also apologies for some weird artifacts in the recording, need to check what's up with that.

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