"MORE OF YOUR LOVE” Vibes Original Web3 Music Collaboration Song Feat. @BigSteff & @Verbal-D in Week 22


Graphic designed by @Verbal-D

Yes, that is correct, you read the title and photo correctly. Me & @BigSteff have collaborated together to bring you something truly beautiful, a gospel hip hop soulful song that is near and dear to my heart.

How did this collaboration even come about happening? I saw @BigSteff's original song entry for the Vibes Week 15 here

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...and he is still a growing and up and coming artist with so much potential, a big love for the Lord and a lot of creative ideas. When I heard his original song, I was instantly INSPIRED by his outpouring of his soul and musicality.

I heard so many ideas to bring it fully to life because it was a brand new song for him and I could hear the potential in his rough draft presentation of it, and I knew the Holy Spirit was driving me forward to reach out to him and ask if I could assist and collaborate with him in finishing this polished gem, and he agreed with great excitement.

4 months later, I finally was able to map it all out fully and bring it all together with his feedback and patience and understanding, and I am so happy to share this one with you all here. @BigSteff is truly a man of God with so much inspiring energy and humbleness and his kindheartedness and passion for music and improving and learning impresses me a lot. He has my respect and friendship and I look forward to collaborating with him again later on as he continues to level up, grow and excel in singing and gospel hip hop for God's kingdom.

He is eager to do more music, so feel free to reach out to him on hive or on discord and collaborate with him.

Let this collaboration be one of many to be able to showcase the beautiful projects within the music realm that the Vibes Web3 Music Competition makes possible with all of us connecting with one another internationally.

Many people may make music just for fun, or for other gains and reasons, but for others, it is understood worldwide, the power and impact that music has. It literally can save lives and I am so happy the way this track turned out. Songs like these are the reason why I am always openminded when it comes to collaborating with other artists. It is an opportunity to also grow and also inspire one another. Please enjoy.

Full Song Lyrics & Due Credits:

Song Mixed & Mastered by @Verbal-D
Original Song Idea Written & Created by @BigSteff
Original Song Idea Co-Written & Edited by @Verbal-D
Verse 1 Written & Created by @BigSteff
Verse 1 Co-Written, Edited & Performed by @Verbal-D
Verse 2 Written, Created & Performed by @BigSteff
Chorus Lyrics Written & Created by @BigSteff
Chorus Lyrics Co-Written & Edited by @Verbal-D
Chorus Melody & Harmonies Created & Performed by @Verbal-D

“More Of Your Love" By @BigSteff & @Verbal-D

Full Song Lyrics

Verse 1:
How do I draw closer?
The world is moving too fast, so much exposure ...
It won't be long before the world is truly over
Make our Vision clearer than a mirror that you fold up...

Pocket dwelling inside our sin's always a barrier…
Help us resist dying in sin, before you bury us...
You are the Truth, the Way, the Life, oh, we do praise and shout
Please help our lives so we don't fade out...

We want more, more
We want more, more
We want more, more

More of Your Love...
More of Your Love...

We want more, more
We want more, more
We want more, more

More of Your Love...
More of Your Love...

More of Your Looooove...

More of Your Looooove...

More of Your Looooove...

More of Your Love...
More of Your Looooove...(x2)

Verse 2:
God, work in us to do both of Your Will, secure us heaven‘s treasures
God made us perfect in every good work to do, His Love’s better pleasure
Working in us that which is pleasing to His sight
And all men shall see the light. …Beautiful sunsets have filled me with sense of delight
Please help us follow You right…

I and you have to grow, like roots in the bones
We‘re spiritual babies
Only the spiritual mind can discern spiritual things and receive
The leading of the Spirit.
Mental must grow, spiritually to become…
Capable of the spiritual guidance
Please guide us Lord…

We have to do whatever it takes for You to love us more…
We have been praising You
But we feel it is not enough
We need more of Your Love
We need Your Love
More of The Love

We want more, more
We want more, more
We want more, more

More of Your Love...
More of Your Love...

We want more, more
We want more, more
We want more, more

More of Your Love...
More of Your Love...

More of Your Looooove...

More of Your Looooove...

More of Your Looooove...

More of Your Love...
More of Your Looooove...(x4)

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