VIBES WEB3 MUSIC COMPETITION WEEK 22|| Next on Line @mfarinato

This is for week number 22 @vibes. It's my first time participating. Initially, I thought this song could fit into the competition, but then I realized it might be too psychedelic and less “disco” beat. Nevertheless, I'm just so happy to have finally reached the level of competence to create this kind of song, making it worthy of sharing.

The title of the song is "Next On Line." This is a superlive version. I really don't like performing on stage; I prefer to create my pseudo-psycho videos and remain hidden. But at my age, I actually don’t mind being part of this vibrant community. Enjoy! Apologies for the blurry parts—I promise the next one will be a better video. Unfortunately, I have problems with my sight, so enjoy it for what it is... just a happy moment to share with the community.

The song

The song will help open the doors of vibrations. It's a project I started a few months ago, and I really like it. The tuning, the guitar, and the sound create a tapestry of magic. If you listen to this song with your headphones, you will discover a whistle in between the singing. This is the echo created by the triple voice—a technique used in Khoomei throat singing. The whistle is actually a voice created using this technique.

I hope you enjoy it. Please do not try to reproduce it without proper guidance, as it might be dangerous for the throat. If you like the idea, there are plenty of tutorials and bands from Siberia to South America using this kind of voice.

studio versions available on spotify youtube and soon on blocktunes and nftshowroom

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