What's That Smell? Is The Car Leaking Diesel?

ready for summer.jpg
What better than to start this blog with such a happy face? This kid is so extremely happy with the little things, in this case, the top I bought her. What a sweetheart!

Why does everything smell like paint?

While driving from our town to the other, with the windows open and sunglasses on my face, I could not wonder why it smelled like paint everywhere. I mean, I just passed that one street where they're painting the wall for a few days already so there it makes sense.. But now I'm driving through another street, paint again!

It came and went because the wind had to be right to really smell it, but then I arrived in other town and parked near the clinic I visited and looked around to see where they were painting now because of the strong smell of paint. I saw nothing and forgot about it, went to the clinic and drove back home without thinking about it again.


Until I arrived home and told my boyfriend, djeez our town and the next all smell like paint, that can't be a coincidence can it? It must have something to do with the air and what they're spraying upon us because it's been weird as can be lately, living on a high floor you see a HUGE difference in the sky whenever they are doing whatever they like to do up there.. We weren't the only ones noticing so I automatically assumed this weird smell must be connected. The other logical explanation was that it's just the time of the year to start painting the walls as this is needed more often with such sunny weather year round and that I just notice it because I open the windows while driving.

Picking up the little one

My boyfriend usually picks up the little one, unless he's too busy or whenever I have other stuff to take care off and it's easy to combine. But overall, we divided the task this way. He went alone to pick her up that day and when he arrived back home, it was not a good look on his face.

Unpleasant message and task

My daughter wanted to share something but he was clear, this has priority: you have to take the car to the garage NOW it's leaking Diesel! FML, seriously? I mean, you are probably going to laugh at me now but I don't even care, I'm miss control lol, I want to understand things so that I can predict risks and manage these risks that are involved. If I don't know something about a certain topic I need to know more first otherwise I freak out because I can't oversee the consequences or chances of things going wrong, and even more so: how badly they can go wrong.

First Diesel car

I never having a Diesel car in my life before means I know very little about the topic and at first I was a bit scared to drive it after I heard so many times a that a Diesel starts differently, it can be an issue bla bla. Turned out our car starts so smoothly, even smoother than any gasoline car we both had in our lives, so all the things that could become an issue were never an issue. This is great but it still means I have no freaking clue about what happens if (for example) the Turbo diesel injector breaks, or whatever else can break on a Diesel that's different from a gasoline car.

Serious message

When my boyfriend walks in and tells me with all seriousness that I can't do anything else but have to get in the car right away to get to the garage and let someone check it NOW, not later, but NOW, I feel a bit unease and wonder what will happen if I don't. Or what can happen if I'm too late and driving and whatever is broken damages other stuff? This happened literally the day after we were due our new car insurance fee that went up 25% because someone else damaged our car and it was our first year with the insurance. I mean, this was a tough one to swallow and I was just starting to accept this madness for what it was and now you're freaking me out that this is going to be a costly thing at the garage.

My boyfriend knows me

He should have not made that freaked out face and tell me first to not worry, the car is not going to explode (lol) and you can drive there safely but it needs to be checked so we know that nothing happens if you keep driving or whatever. This is what comes to mind after I freak out and tell him why are you sending me there. He had no time, he was way too overwhelmed with work that afternoon and he also said it's better if a women arrives at the garage then they're way more helpful anyway, lol. I think he may have been right.

I took the credit card

Totally expecting to either be sent home today and pick it up tomorrow paying top dollar (euro in our case) for something serious being broken, but I also knew I had little choice as I can't even get the kid at school without the freaking car so it had to be done.

I walked in, thankfully, they were not busy and even though the lady at the desk instantly said we don't repair Diesel leaks, go to this other town (are you freaking kidding me? How do I get home even if I go there?) but then I friendly asked her if someone could at least have a look for me in case it turns out something very simple and that I will gladly pay for the service.

Not related pretty sky, just to add some happy vibes to the post

All ended well

It's a good thing I did because it was just something with the radiator if I remember correctly, the guy said this is the issue, it's called this in Spanish and my main question was can you fix it? Yes. That's all I needed to hear, I found that part online for just 15 euros so this could not be that bad, eventually I think it was just something that came loose somehow because they didn't even replace it it was mostly the half our costs for the mechanic working on it.

I went shopping

Found three dresses for my daughter, one for her birthday and two others, I figured this costs me only 30 euros and the weather is improving soon so I have to get her some less warm clothes soon. Within 30 minutes I received the text that the car was ready, I paid and it was all solved. I could not help but laugh while driving back home because I thought I was smelling paint that whole morning ride. I can't even smell the difference between these fumes, gosh. Laugh at me all you want, I did too, it's ok! Some self spot is needed sometimes and I know where my knowledge and skills are, and these have nothing to do with anything car related :)

Stay calm and keep driving

So what I learned from this is that I should not directly have to freak out when smelling something such as Diesel, just stay calm, and seek answers before freaking out as in the end it may not be that bad after all. I would have hated it if the car would break down because I truly enjoy driving lately, open the windows, sunglasses and music on.. I really have a holiday feel even driving around in our neighbourhood. Got to appreciate the little things around us, right?

I hope you have a wonderful day, night, heck even an early weekend :)

All pictures above are mine...

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